
Hardware key is not found

Keye 8 jaar geleden in Server Solutions / Windows Server bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 8 jaar geleden 10


the Server is installed on MS Server 2016.

But when i start the programm only an error occurs:

"Hardware Key is not found"

Image 16863

Searching answer

Hello! For the moment we are testing iRidium Server on Win 7/8/10 (Desktop versions), but we'll check what is the problem and fix it asap

Keye, this is a real MS Server 2016, not a virtual machine right?

This is a vm running on Hyper-V.

I think thats the problem.

Yes, that's the problem.

@Christophe: we don't support MS Servers, and we don't support VM...

Theo Derks - iRidiumMobile.nl / iRidiumMobile.de

This is really a pity. Just not supporting vm is unfavorable. And this info is very hard to find. Is a change planned?

it's easy to find: http://dev.iridiummobile.net/IRidium_Server_Windows/en

On this page, you can see, we don't support VM and other Virtual machine software....

It's not possible to support all these platforms....

And, it's not planned for the near future.


Maybe simple usb hardware dongles for virtual systems? :-)

I have now installed the server on the host. It seems to work so far. Even if the program should not be there:( Strange is the shown windows version:

Device OS:Microsoft Windows 8 x64
Device Family:Windows
Device Model:Windows 6.2 build 9200 sp 0.0