
Enter the System settings of i3 pro via the side menu

Nikolay Rusanov 8 years ago in Applications / i3 Pro updated by Dmitry - support (expert) 8 years ago 3

The current methods to enter the side menu:

  • send a command from Transfer
  • hold the screen for 10 sec then input password

With the installer's account it would be convenient to open the app settings by press the button in side menu of application, if it will not be available for EndUser's account

Temporary you may use following trick:

1. After searching for the answer to this question, I found some interesting code in the projects on %UserProfile%\Documents\iRidium pro documents\lite\Downloads\Modules\

var l_pUser = IR.Cloud({cmd: IR.CLOUD_CMD_GET_USER});
    var userType = l_pUser.Type;
    if (userType == IR.CLOUD_USER_INSTALLATOR) {

2. If you create button with follow action in the empty project

function ItemPress(){
   while (item=IR.GetPopup(i)) IR.Log(item.Name+" "+i++)

you'll find that there are some built-in popups and items accordingly

3. Other types of events

for (i=0;i<100;i++)
IR.AddListener(i,0,function (e){IR.Log("Event "+this.i+" = "+((e!==undefined)? e .toString() : ""))},{i: i})

And together:

IR.AddListener(32, 0, function () {
   if (this.minit==undefined)  {
   try {
      var l_pUser = IR.Cloud({cmd: IR.CLOUD_CMD_GET_USER});
       var userType = l_pUser.Type;
       if (userType == 2) {
         var pp = IR.GetPopup("__IRIDIUM__Settings");
         var src = pp.CreateItem(IR.ITEM_BUTTON,"btnSysMenu",(pp.Width-134),(pp.Height-42),130,40); 
         src.Text="System Menu";
         var srcs=src.GetState(0); 
         //IR.CreateFont(1111, "HelveticaNeueCyr-Roman.otf", 11);//Delete if font is not added!
   } catch (e) {
      IR.Log("[ERROR] Can not create System Menu button! " + e.message + " : " + e.name);


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