Astro-clock in iRidium server
Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 8 years ago
in Server Solutions
updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago •
In every server an Astro-clock is available. To make events depending on 'Sun up' or 'Sun down' and/or astronomic time.
Please add this in iRidium server.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Is this already integraded? Is there also a possibility to get an offset here (for example, light 1 goes one 10 minutes later on than ASTRO function goes on, or light 1 goes out 20 minutes before ASTRO function goes off).
Good afternoon!
Not yet implemented, but scheduled for August-September.
Hi Alexander,
That's great news.
But including the offset that Kurt is asking for? That would be great.
Hello Alexander,
That's indeed great news.
Thanks to have a look at this idea from Theo who will be used by several installers.
Hi Alexander,
Is it possible to get an update of this topic?
Is the astro function (sun up / sun down function) already implemented?
Is it also possible to define an offset (on the time of sun up / sun down) on each event / schedule?
Could it be also possible to enable/disable this schedule (as recently added for the other schedules)?
Thanks for feedback.
Hi, now it's on the tests and I hope we will be able to release it soon.
Hi Alexander,
Is it possible to get the latest update of this topic?
Is the astro function (sun up / sun down function) already implemented?
Is it also possible to define an offset (on the time of sun up / sun down) on each event / schedule?
Could it be also possible to enable/disable this schedule (as recently added for the other schedules)?
It is available only for i3lite now, for i3pro it will be available soon.
Hi Alexander, any updates on this topic? Expected timestamp for the UMC KNX server?
Thanks a lot.
It remains in development. I will write to this thread when the function is released.
Good afternoon, any update about this topic. Is there a timeframe when this would be available?
For several projects, I'm waiting a little bit for this function.
Thanks a lot!
Hello, this function available in version 1.3.6. Documentation in process.
Thanks a lot.
I've found the option for sunset and sunrise. Where can I find the offset? When should documentations being available?
Checking the change of address in the topic #17170
Dear, any update about the documentation and the offset option? Thanks a lot!
documentation https://dev.iridi.com/Editor_Server_Tools/en#Astronomical_timer
The offset function will be added in the nearest future
Dear, thanks for documentation.
When I follow the instructions, the command/routine which started on the sunrise works good (schedule starts in the morning and the lights goes out). The command/routine at the end of the day (sunsit) doesn't start. When I've got a look into the log files, I see also the schedule isn't started in the evening.
Did you have tested the project as told in the documentation and checked this into the log files?
Because when I schedule a fixed time, it is not possible to finish a schedule if the time is before the starting schedule...
What time zone do you use?
What are the Latitude and Longitude parameters?
The platform on which the iRidium server?
Time zone UTC + 2:
Latitude: 51,000000
Longitude: 3,316700
UMC KNX server C2
We will check the sunrise and sunset jobs on our UMC and let you know.
Take a screenshot of your Event in Shedule.
In your case, the start and finish of the event takes place in one day. However, the sunrise of any day starts earlier than sunset. Therefore, only triggers the "finish" on the sunrise. Start at sunset on this day will not be, because the task has already completed. To start the task at sunset, turn on "Specify the date" and specify the next day for the finish at sunrise.
with selecting 'specify the next day', this is working good now. Thanks a lot.
Any update when offset would be possible?
Thanks a lot!
The offset task is scheduled but not yet implemented. Term: summer-autumn 2019.
Hello, do you have already an idea when the offset should be implemented? Thanks a lot!
Hello, the offset should be released in the next version (September)
Thanks for feedback.
Any update when the offset is available? I've just installed the latest version, but I didn't see the offset.
Thanks in advance.
it was released in studio 2019
documentation will be available soon
Hello, any update update about the documentation which would be available?
Dear, can I friendly ask if there's any update in this topic?
Is Studio 2019 already released, or is this still a beta version?
Would the offset (from astro klok) be available in the current Studio software?
Studio 2019 is already considered a release. Studio 2019 updates are released independently of client and server releases. The old Studio is frozen in version 1.3.8 and is no longer updated, and bugs are not fixed. You can use any of them, but if you prefer Studio 2019, make sure that you have the current version.
Offset is already available, documentation is in the process of writing.