
URL's to new download --> improve them

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 лет назад в Приложения / Web-interface обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 4


on this page we can download the firmware:

Image 12225

But, when upgrading the iRidium Servers with new firmware, we need the link to the real location on a server. Maybe it's an idea to make a button: "Copy the URL to the clipboard", to the installer can paste this link/url in the webpage of this iRidium server?

Something like: http://www.iridiummobile.nl/marketing-materialen/iridiumserver_1.0.1-8197_GC.tar

Because now, the installer can DOWNLOAD the file, but this download has no value. He has to upload this file first to a webserver, and then he can paste the location of this webserver in iRidium Server update field.

So, it's better to make this button: installer can copy the location of the new firmware to the clipboard, and simply paste it onto the webpage of iRidium server.




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Hello Theo,

Now you can use a right button mouse/Copy link address (Copy shortcut in IE):

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Hello Theo,

Now you can use a right button mouse/Copy link address (Copy shortcut in IE):

Hi Oksana,

When i do this (with Chrome, because it's not possible in IE), then this is the result:


And with this link it's not working... we need this link: http://www.iridiummobile.nl/marketing-materialen/iridiumserver_1.0.1-8197_GC.tar

So, please tell me your results if you test this in your browser.. But here it's not working....



Hello Theo,

So, we tried to repeat it with the UMC (build 1.0.1-8181) and OnBox (build 1.0.1-7946). We used Google Chrome.

1) We copied the links for new UMC version (build 1.0.1-8197) and OnBox version (build 1.0.1-8197) from UE.



2) Paste every link in the field on the web - interface.

3) Pressed Update

After that UMC server and OnBox Server were updated.

You can copy the link in the IE. Use a right button mouse/Copy shortcut :-)

And paste it in the Update field on Web - interface:

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