
question about trend

Jose Rodriguez 9 years ago in Server Solutions updated by Oksana (expert) 8 years ago 13

Hello, I have mounted a knx system with a thermostat and a valve actuator. The idea is that the values of room temperature, temperature setpoint and valve position be logged and plotted in a linear trend.

The test has been a success, in this case I have used the server in mode 'Test', but I have several questions:

- There is some way that you can plot the data for a period in a iridium project, for example if you want to see the evolution of the room temperature in the last week.

- When I connect to the server by webbrowser and access Work-->Channels&Feedback-->Feedbacks, appears a column with the signals and their values where if I push the button 'trend' display a windows where you can see the evolution of the signals in the time, however it doesn´t see nothing and all time appear a load symbol.




Hello Paolo,

You can check it by 1.1.6

Waiting for user's reply


Now it works. Please try it.

I have the same problem: "When I connect to the server by webbrowser and access Work-->Channels&Feedback-->Feedbacks, appears a column with the signals and their values where if I push the button 'trend' display a windows where you can see the evolution of the signals in the time, however it doesn´t see nothing and all time appear a load symbol"

Which platform and version of server do you have? Do you use browser Chrome?

iRidium Server (build, Feb 27 2017 16:03:53) | Web-panel: v1.0.1.43 (Jan 31 2017)

On Windows 7 Profesional


Please make sure that you have the same time and date on your computer and on the server.

Is the same computer

Is it possible to connect to you via TeamViewer?

Hello Dmitry,

I am not in the same city of the project but I can give you an TeamViewer access.


Change password, please!

Use support@iridiummobile.ru!


We found the cause of the described problem. The problem in invalid characters in the names of some channels. Some channels have a slash in the name. If you remove the slash from the name, the trend for this channel appears normally. We will try to fix the problem.


Hello Paolo,

You can check it by 1.1.6