Strange bug in Gallery
This is my actual gallery (iRidium samples/Backgrounds/Android Phone/768x1366)
And this is a screenshot of my Explorer with this gallery:
And THIS is the content of my Explorer with this same gallery, but from 2.2:
When i DELETE the CONTENT of the OLD (2.2) Gallery, this is the new situation:
An empty folder (2.2)
And THIS is the situation in Studio Gallery:
There is a relation in iRidium Studio with OLD gallery, used in 2.x
This is VERY unpleasant, and NOT ok.
We THINK it's something with the thumbnails.db files, used in old Studio/GUI Editor versions.
That's the reason we asked > 2 years ago for a function to REBUILD the Gallery in case of problems (like THIS).
Still not implemented this function (rebuild), so the only solution is: fix this bug.
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