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This method is for video streaming only. There is a way to get an image from the stream, through undocumented functions. See attached example.



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At the moment, only a workaround is available - save the resulting file under a different name.

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ITEM_PRESS, IR.GetPopup("Popup 1").GetItem("Item 1"), function(){
if(IR.OpenPhotoGallery()) {
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_PHOTO_FROM_GALLERY, 0, function(filename, filepath){
IR.Log("Photo selected.\n Filename: " + filename + "\n Filepath: " + filepath);
IR.GetPopup("Popup 1").GetItem("Item 2").GetState(0).Image = filename;
IR.GetPopup("Popup 1").GetItem("Item 2").GetState(0).ImageStretch = 1;
var photoName = "photo_" + new Date().getTime().toString() + ".png";
IR.RenameFile("images/" + filename, "images/" + photoName);


To solve your problem with JSON, you may find these projects useful as an example.




In Javascript, use the IR.SetTimeout method to get the delay.

The upgrade version of JavaScipt in iRidium is not planned. Perhaps the situation will change in the future.


Iridium uses the ECMAScript Edition 3 specification. The indexOf method is added to work with arrays only in ECMAScript 5.1 specification (ECMA-262).

You can use the following code to access the array by index:

var array = ['hello', 'send', 'test', 65535];
var index;
for (index = 0;
index < array.length;
IR.Log(index + ": " + array[index]);

var first = array[0]; // the first element of the array

IR.Log("First: " + first);


1) Install, configure and start NFS server on another host.

2) Create or select a directory on the UMC to mount the directory using the NFS Protocol.

3) At the UMC, run the command:

mount -o port=2049,nolock,proto=tcp /export

Instead of "", specify the address of your NFS server. Instead of "share", enter the name of the directory on your NFS server. Instead of "export", specify the directory name on your UMC. After the command at the mount point "export"will be a remote directory"share".

Attention! UMC was not designed for such work and was not tested. Use at your own risk.



IR.GetPage ("Page 1").GetItem ("Item 1").ScrollEnabled = 0;


In iRidium Studio, you can only choose to save values to the system database. To save values to another database, you need to use JavaScript.

Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho