Your comments

Ok. 0/100 values are logical levels of "boolean" signals again.

I have keep in mind the controlling the brightness (0-100%) of one lamp from several places simultaneously.

Good solution for buttons, switches and others!

OR, AND, NOT items can be used only for Boolean variables. But it is difficult to do something like this for several items that control one dimmer (for example). There are non-Boolean variables: "multiple relations" give an elegant solution to a task of controlling from several places.

>> However when 1 of the 4 feedbacks goes to 0, the button goes to the "Off" state. But there are still 3 feedbacks that return a value of 100. Why does this happen?

Multiple relations behavior is easy to understand: a value is set by the last relation which tag is changed.

Why multiple relations are not recommended: there may be a problem -  if many relation tags change often, quickly and simultaneously, it may not be clear to end-users as it may seem to be uncontrolled changes. In addition an end-user may not understand why a relation that is interesting for him at the moment does not work (as you thought about those three relations with "100" values).

But multiple relations may be used successfully if you think properly how to organize them.