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I think Userecho had already implemented this, but for some reason it is not working on support.iridiummobile.net
Just to test this, I signed up for a test account: https://dennispiet.userecho.com/
When I search that from the start page, it gives me search results in all Knowledgebases, all Forums and all tickets. You can try it yourself.
Thanks for the quick response Vladimir. I just tried your version.
This seems a little bit better. Now my manually added ONVIF-camera shows up in the GUI, but it now gives an "Authorization fail..." and a iR_Loading animation.
In the logfile: SCRIPT Script exception: TypeError: C:\Users\Dennis\AppData\Roaming\iRidium Mobile\iRidiumStudio\iRidium pro documents\Studio\Temp\project9454765\scripts\UNITOnvifCam.js:456: Tried to use undefined as an object
Is this module still in working condition?
I cannot get it to work with any of my customer's ONVIF cameras.
Scanning for ONVIF cameras in my network gives no results, even though I have 5 of them. All of them are found with ODM.
Also scanning would only work within your own network, not for adding cameras that reside elsewhere on the internet. I think there should be an option to manually add camera's, by inputting the address.
When I manually add one of the cameras in the code to temp_data_json (line 4 of GUImain), I only get:
SCRIPT Script exception: TypeError: C:\Users\Dennis\AppData\Roaming\iRidium Mobile\iRidiumStudio\iRidium pro documents\Studio\Temp\project88565921\scripts\GUICam.js:28: Tried to use undefined as an object
I have also tested this module in i3 Lite, but there also the scanner does not find any camera's.
It would be nice to have an example project of how to use this module in your own project, without the scanner / GUI / option settings. The videostream I can get with the normal rtsp in project cameras, but I need to add PTZ control to that.
Yes, that's a good workaround. The empty project with the merged old project has a new ProjectGUID :-)
Just tested: No, using Save Project as does not fix this. The ProjectGUID stays the same and merging is not possible.
Last 2 years I have always used the latest updates of Iridium.
At this moment:
iRidium Environment:
iRidium Studio: (64 bit)
Transfer: (32 bit)
iRidium: (64 bit)
Server: (32 bit)
iRidium lite: (32 bit)
Server lite: (32 bit)
Maybe I have found the answer my self. In the Project.irp files I found ProjectGUID="F1EFD9B3-8B77-43E6-BDCA-3BE1E730C835". This number is the same for all projects I have.
Could this be what Studio is looking at when deciding all of my projects are the same?
Hi Vladimir, thanks for trying to explain.
But, as I told the dutch Iridium representative a few times : documentation is not up-to-date and/or incomplete. And even your answer above is outdated.
The original question of Jos was: "can somebody tell me how i can copy pages to another panel project without losing the programming" and he was told just to use copy+paste. This was not correct.
So the work around is merging projects. That will keep the programming in place.
But like I wrote above: "Projects are not listed in the project tree like shown above, but in tabs."
But still you give me an example with a project-tree? I don't understand. This leads to confusion.
I found out myself (not in the manual!) that merging projects is now done by dragging one tab onto another.
This should be in the manual.
When I merge my 2 projects this way, Iridium Studio tells me:
Why does Studio think these projects are the same? How do I tell Studio they are not te same?
So, the answer you gave to Jos 2 years ago was incorrect.
For the project I was working on, I now already re-did all the programming manually. But it is really annoying this has to be done manually everytime you copy some page, or just some items from one project to the other.
When copying pages as described above, programming still disappears.
Projects are not listed in the project tree like shown above, but in tabs.
I also tried merging the project that I wanted to copy a page from by dragging one tab to the other, but that results in error "Project can't be merged to itself. Please select another project". Why?
So I like to repeat Jos his question of 2 years ago: How can I copy a page from one project to another WITHOUT losing all programming on the items? Nb: both projects do share the same server project.
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho
One camera has Onvif 2.4, another has 2.21
As I wrote you 2 weeks ago: All of them are found and work with ODM (= Onvif Device Manager), the same as the link you give above.
It is not an explanation of the error in UNITOnvifCam.js:456
Example of one camera: