Your comments

I mean, can it be displayed on the application using the edit box or label so if the button is pressed it appears in the edit box or label in real

I use Module HDL

ok thanks this success


i want if i press button icon volume the sound is off and if i press again icon volume 
 the sound is on like is trigger button...


hi,i want control like is the picture....

i already use "IR.StopAllSounds();" but after i push button for sound active the audio not on?what happen...

ok how to script for control by slide bar or button up/down...

hi Dmitry

the example of a project success for download in the list item but how to show if i click one of project in list item?

hello i have follow step by step link but not success ....can you example project for connection local and remote server for HDL Bus Pro...

if i have project iridium v2 and then convert to i3 pro is it same settings connection control by internet or different?if you have example project for control by internet i want download for learn?

how to control device by remote server?if in the iridium v2 i use script for setting connections by iinternet and then i don't understood for i3 ?you can help me :'(