Uw opmerkingen
Hello Martin,
We respect your desire to see this functional, but we want to get votes from only real integrators. Unfortunately, our team can't research all ideas, and especially, we choose the idea with many voices.
Thank you!
Hello ,
It has been implemented from i3 pro 1.0.2
IR.HideGroup("Folder AMX Group");
Hello Theo,
This is beta functional and we will improve it. Thank you for your opinion.
Дмитрий, попробуйте с последней версией поэкспериментировать, кое чего подкрутили.
Hello Mike,
We understand you, but format a projects is the same - *.irpz. We didn't laid the use of both version in one time.
Nevertheless, other can vote for this. More voices , more chances for implementation.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello Theo,
Now you can use a right button mouse/Copy link address (Copy shortcut in IE):