Ваши комментарии
Hello Alessandro,
Please, give us more info - real scenario (step-by-step), when you can use your new import from Excel file and how: what driver did you have? what associations did you lost? what will you change in Excel file?
Thank you!
Hello Alessandro,
Thank you very much from iRidium mobile team =)
Сейчас сделали 10 секундную задержку после загрузки проекта ( Должно хватить для подключения, даже если связь плохая.
Полностью исправили по вашему запросу в iRidium Studio
It has been implemented (for a new project) from iRidium Studio
It has been implemented from iRidium Studio
It has been implemented from iRidium Studio
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho
Hello Alessandro,
About "a data logger". We use a data base. when we want to storage data from equipment.
For example: http://support.iridiummobile.net/topic/922019-parametryi-zapisi-tegov-v-sistemnuyu-bazu-dannyih/
Then we can view this data via trend (in client), or in web-interface.
About "a scheduler". Unfortunately, in the first version of the official release, you can add scheduler only via script, but in the next release we will try to provide you more easy instrument.