Your comments
yes, you can do something like this
var MyType = "POST";
var MyUrl = "/html/login";
var MyData = "Password=2007&name=authform&Login=admin";
var MyHeader = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"};
IR.GetDevice("Server REST").SendEx({
Type: MyType,
Url: MyUrl,
Data: [MyData],
Headers: MyHeader,
cbReceiveText: function(text, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveText "+text+code+headers);},
cbReceiveData: function(text, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveData "+text+code+headers);},
cbReceiveCode: function(code) {IR.Log("cbReceiveCode "+code);},
cbReceiveKey: function(key,value) {IR.Log("cbReceiveKey "+key+value);},
cbReceiveStartBody: function(stream) {IR.Log("cbReceiveStartBody "+stream);},
cbReceivePartBody: function(stream) {IR.Log("cbReceivePartBody "+stream);},
cbReceiveEndBody: function(size) {IR.Log("cbReceiveEndBody "+size);},
cbTimeOut: function() {IR.Log("cbTimeOut");},
cbReceiveStream: function(stream, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveStream "+stream+code+headers);}
Добрый день
Конечно возможно. Подробнее можете почитать тут
You can change connection setting via SetParameters command. Example you can find here
1. our wiki site is here
2. How to begin with i3 Pro
3. you can find details here
4. Info about remote control any devive here or abother way here
Open Popup function here
Close popup function here
In panel project, you should use EVENT_TAG_CHANGE event for AddListener
. in this event you should write script like this
if (name == example)
if (value == "open popup")
IR.OpenPopup("popup name")
if (value == "close popup")
IR.HidePopup("popup name")
log level.irpz here it is
OurSlider.Value = FromSlider(OurSlider.Value); <- you can't do this, because slider range is still from 0 to 100. Slider value converted in script and if you write it in slider then it will be an error
about knx feedback. I receive big value from knx and you should convert it via reversed formula Math.round(Math.pow(value, 2)/10000); and set this value to the slider value
Customer support service by UserEcho
i can't understand where is the complexity. For example, you has 3 item in GUI.
When user press first item, then a driver should send "<xml><some><system><tag>1</tag></system></some></xml>"
When user press second item, then a driver should send "<xml><some><system><tag>2</tag></system></some></xml>"
When user press third item, then a driver should send "<xml><some><system><tag>3</tag></system></some></xml>"
And Url, type and headers should be the same. Ok, you create a function with input parameter "data"
function CustomSend(data)
var MyType = "POST";
var MyUrl = "/html/login";
var MyData = data;
var MyHeader = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"};
IR.GetDevice("Server REST").SendEx({
Type: MyType,
Url: MyUrl,
Data: [MyData],
Headers: MyHeader,
cbReceiveText: function(text, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveText "+text+code+headers);},
cbReceiveData: function(text, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveData "+text+code+headers);},
cbReceiveCode: function(code) {IR.Log("cbReceiveCode "+code);},
cbReceiveKey: function(key,value) {IR.Log("cbReceiveKey "+key+value);},
cbReceiveStartBody: function(stream) {IR.Log("cbReceiveStartBody "+stream);},
cbReceivePartBody: function(stream) {IR.Log("cbReceivePartBody "+stream);},
cbReceiveEndBody: function(size) {IR.Log("cbReceiveEndBody "+size);},
cbTimeOut: function() {IR.Log("cbTimeOut");},
cbReceiveStream: function(stream, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveStream "+stream+code+headers);}
Then you should create listeners for pressing on item
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ITEM_PRESS, IR.GetItem("Page 1").GetItem("Item 1"), function()
and this listener you should create for each GUI item