Uw opmerkingen

Hi, iRidium!

What is you plans to implement current feature in near future?

Guys, this feature surely must be implemented to bring iRidium-to-iRidium intercom (via SIP) to work.

Because, after i2control stopped in Background, there is absolutely no way to receive SIP call :(

It's called iOs background fetch (and background service for android).

Hi, iRidium!

I'm able to handle i2control crash (iPad mini 1st gen MS545RS/A, iOs 9.0.2, i2control 2.2.3) and cannot see crash logs inside of proper Settings menu (according info http://support.iridiummobile.net/topic/765675-crash-logs-on-ios/)

Here is the video: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/24eu/rTon4hEDj

Hi, guys!

Please, announce the date: when you are planning to release typed array.

P.S.: please, implement it in a way, as closer to nodejs typed array, as you can :)
It's cool, really ))
We've thinked about "adopt pure JavaScript TLS library for iRidium". But there are a lot of binary data processing.
And in the SEE (Simple Ecma Script) there are no Typed arrays support. It's really sad :(
Hello, iRidium, do you see this? =)
For example, we've created small wrapper (adoptation) of base64 library for iRidium - https://bitbucket.org/estbeetoo/beetoo_isa_base64
We've adopt a lot of node.js libraries under iRidium.

Damian, you are nice guy and going right way :)
Коллеги, вспомните: хоть в одном приложении iOS/Android вы видели бегущую строку?

Лучше обойтись без нее, по моему скромному мнению.