Your comments

HI Andrey

I looked at this however it is not a 'control panel to Polycom call,' rather the ability to control a Polycom unit to talk to other Polycom units. What is the best way to inject the password via JS for telnet authorisation? I am very new to JS so teaching myself along the way using examples from this forum and the web.

Thabks Dmitry!!!

Will try this out when I'm back at work. The Polycom requires a password for Telnet, so might try to use the RS232 port via global cache instead to bypass that. 

Hello - updating Windows 10 and reverting to a previous version has solved the problem for now

Thank you for the response. I am working with JamWare to resolve this issue.

Thank you for the responses - I did have it briefly working yesterday (I am not sure how) but it's refusing to work for me today. Could I send you my project file - maybe this will be easier as I already have the driver and text items set up?

Thank you! Will give that a go. I am not very good at coding, but can read it.

Thanks, so my code should look like this (i.e. when I enter the page, it will automatically read/request the state from the device)

// Code to read record status of DIS-REC-1 and display on Home page

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_START, 0, function()

// DIS-REC1 is the name of the TCP HTTP device in the project

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ITEM_SHOW, IR.GetPage("Home"), function()
// send request of equipment when 'Home' page is opened    

function sendRequests() 
   // request 1
   // answers: SUCCESS, FAILED
         Type: "GET",                                                         
                    Url:  "/Monarch/syncconnect/sdk.aspx?command=StartRecording",
         Headers: {},       
         cbReceiveText:       function(text, code, headers)  
            IR.GetPage("Home").GetItem("DIS-REC-1_Status").Text =  state[1];              


I am having luck with this code! What's the best way to have it automatically 'read' the device when I enter a page? Should I add it to a button, or will it be automatically called by iRidium?

Thank you for the script - this helped me fix my syntax (the instruction manual wiki says to use ' ' around HTTP commands which breaks them)

For a bit more detail. Lets assume I have 8 inputs and 8 outputs. I would put in all my inputs and their names, same with outputs:

1 - DVD Player

2 - Computer


1 - TV

2 - Projector


Then I would define the syntax for the command i.e.

'r [x] [y]',0x0D

where x = input, y = output

Click generate and it would make a complete matrix of commands i.e.

DVD Player - TV ('r 1 1',0x0D)

DVD Player - Projector ('r 1 2',0x0D)

and so on. This automation would make creating video (or audio matrixes etc) much easier to set up rather than hand coding each individual matrix point by hand.

If not possible, the ability to import a CSV file would be handy i.e. row one = name, row two = data