
Iridium And ETS Clima

Yeliz Tarhan 10 years ago in Products / KNX updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2
We use air conditioning in the project.

We can not set point .The key is increased and you can see the project screen. It is not from the project. Value remains constant.
Shifting ??
I am sending pictures of the ETS and iridium

Image 8928

Image 8929

Hello Yeliz

Sorry for delay! It is possible that the ETS subtype has been set incorrect, start the ETS monitor and look at the data when you send the command from KNX push button and from iRidium, check the data type and make the same in iRidium and ETS
Setpoint shifting is not a real setpoint. Real setpoint has datatype 2 byte float in ETS.

Also flags for datapoint in ETS need corection. For + and - buttons in iRidium it is needed that Read (R) fag to be set. In other case buttons won't know the real value and can't change it.
So you need to find real setpoint for your B.IQ and make sure that you can read and write it via ETS and only then import it in iRidium.