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Fonts used in a graphical item affect Feedback from a KNX IP ROUTER

rocfusion 10 years ago in Products / KNX updated by Ekaterina (head of support) 10 years ago 5

Tested with a logic machine 3.
Create a project.
Add a KNX driver
Import a knx ets project with modules that provide feedback to temperature datatypes ( float 16bit, Temp C)
Create buttons
Select the font "Segoe UI Italic" in the first state.
Delete the second state of the button.
add, $F1 °C to the text property of the first state
Add a relation between the value of the graphical item and a temperature 2byte floating point temp C group address.
Repeat this process for different group addresses.
Add lights and shades in the project.
Now test.
There will be 1 in 5 times one of the temperatures reported back with ⃣ box character.

In the project that I have seen this, I changed the font to "Segoe UI", and all the temperature readings work every time.



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Удалённое подключение к системе knx и видеонаблюдению

Sorokin 9 years ago in Products / KNX updated by Dmitry - support (expert) 9 years ago 3

Добрый день!

Столкнулся с задачей удалённого подключения интерфейса через интернет, помимо соединения с сетью KNX так же стоит задача по удалённому соединению к внутренним камерам видеонаблюдения. Специфика в том что бы обеспечить автоматическое определение (ping / ssid или по другому признаку ) в какой сети находится панель управления. Есть ли пример проекта с подобной задачей или может что то порекомендуете?

По камерам у меня идея в следующем, что бы не изменять порты на самих камерах, прописать на маршрутизаторе правило которое переправляло бы запросы по различным портам (10001, 10002, 10003....) на внутренние адреса с изменением на порт системы видеонаблюдения. Но в интерфейсе всё равно ссылка на камеру должна изменяться в зависимости от того к какой сети подключена панель.

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Execute Macro

j4zz J4zzee 9 years ago in Products / KNX updated by Ekaterina (head of support) 9 years ago 4

Hi - I am currently working on creating scenes. I am using the Java Script Module to execute macro as follow: After 10am, release the button to executed the associated macro. The macro contains : show popup and execute command through KNX server. My script works for the "show popup" but not for the KNX command. Can someone help? Thank you.

Note: below is a copy of the script:

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_START, 0, function()

var hour = IR.GetVariable("System.Time.Hour");
if (hour > 10)
IR.GetItem("Page 1").GetItem("Button").StartActions(IR.EVENT_ITEM_RELEASE);

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KNX - BAOS Object server is busy error

Martin Marcus 9 years ago in Products / KNX updated by Dmitry - support (expert) 9 years ago 5


What does the attached message mean? Can I do something about it?




Импорт драйвера KNX или переменных в существующий драйвер KNX

Владимир Нестеров 9 years ago in Products / KNX updated by Ekaterina (head of support) 9 years ago 1
Добрый день.

Хотелось бы понять существует ли форма, аналогичная форме файла xls для ModbusTCP, чтобы импортировать переменные KNX (commands, feedback).
Переменных большое число, делать проект в ETS не удобно, т.к. очень большое число переменных и проекта не будет.
Хотелось бы сделать файл и импортировать его в либо как дополнительный драевер, либо как добавление переменных в существующий драйвер.

Slow to show feedback

Jackie Roos 9 years ago in Products / KNX updated 9 years ago 9

We have a KNX site with approximately 200 group addresses and we are experiencing a lag between sending commands and feedback showing in iRidium.

Do you have any suggestions?


Merging KNX project files

rocfusion 10 years ago in Products / KNX updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 6 years ago 2

BIG thank you for adding the option to merge a new knxproj file into an existing KNX driver in a project.  This works. 

One point to note, the text for  the question that you are asked when you import a new KNX knxproj  file when an existing KNX driver is in the current project.

It would sound better if you said something like, "merge knxproj file into existing knx driver"  as opposed to replace, which implies that the current driver will be removed.



How to display the mode and status of KNX HVAC system

Ekaterina (head of support) 10 years ago in Products / KNX updated by Dmitry - support (expert) 9 years ago 2

The KNX actuators are responding separate values as below;

Mode:     | Comfort | Standby | Night   | Protection |
Heating   | $21     | $22     | $24     | $A8        |
Cooling   | $41     | $42     | $44     | $C8        |
- We are sending heating/cooling value as bit
- And sending the mode as byte
- But the byte value we are receiving is changing according to heating and cooling
- We are sending and receiving the Mode with the separated bytes

Please see the script sample how to do it:


BAOS internet connection

Dariusz 9 years ago in Products / KNX updated by михаил кручинин 9 years ago 23
I have a problem with my smartphone communicating via 3G networks. As the gateway used BAOS 771. Communication via LAN is possible but as soon as I switch on the mobile network, unfortunately I'm not able to connect to my network KNX. I downloaded from your side turtorial where manually switch to a WiFi network to 3G network. Not really sure if I typed correctly access port. What do I enter? 3671?, 12004? or other ?. Does the project structure should be cloned as a gateway access gateway (screenshot?). I'll be grateful for the tip.Darek

Logic machine/BAOS KNX

James R Delaney 9 years ago in Products / KNX updated by Nikolay Rusanov 9 years ago 1


I am doing a new build job.

I have not used iRidium before.

I looked at the KNX tutorial.

This is what I would like to do:

Image 11135

Has anyone else done something like this?

How do I do the graphs etc?

Maybe Sonos is better than Nuvo - I could always use the Nuvo app..

Many thanks
