How to setup the group climate for each rooms?
Punith 10 years ago
in Products / HDL-BUS Pro
updated by Ekaterina (head of support) 10 years ago •
How to setup the group climate for each rooms?
Kindly see the attachments which is marked in the yellow and please tel me the ways

Kindly see the attachments which is marked in the yellow and please tel me the ways

Customer support service by UserEcho
Add the user intrface for DLP panelin your project and use the command to control AC true the DLP
will value change?
Which one should be configured in the Blue item, and behind that there is same value in the left side,
Make it clear please,,
Normally the DLP Read the Atmosphere temperature ,,, (Room temperature) how to setup it?
0: invalid1: IRfunction (0:off,1:on)
2: Lock key ofpanel (0:off,1:on)
3: AC power (0:off,1:on)
4: Cooling Temp (0~84)
5: Fanspeed (0:auto,1:high,2:medium,3:low)
6: AC Mode (0:cooling,1:heating,2:fan,3:auto,4:dehumidfy)
7: Heating Temp (0~84)
8: Auto Temp (0~84)
9: Rise Temp (0~10)
10: Decrese temp (0~10)
11: LCD back light status (0:off,1:on)
12: Lock AC (0:off,1:on)
13: Back Light (0~100)
14: Status Light (0~100)
15: Shield Button (1~16)
16: Shield Page (1~4)
17: Control Button Status (0:off,1:on)
18: Control Button (1~16)
19: Dry Temp (0~84)
20: Floor Heating Status (0:off,1:on)
21: Heating Mode (5:timer,4:away,3:night,2:day,1:normal)
22: Rise Temp (1~5)
23: Decrease Temp (1~5)
24: Setuppage Lock (0:off,1:on)
which one can be controlled and How many command i have to use it for so...
Here it is again:
The blue button shows the current room temp. The gray button show the temp should be applyed. The mode buttons shows the current mode.