[KNX] 2 bits feedback not work
Francesco Zangara 7 years ago
in Products / KNX
updated by Dmitry - support (expert) 7 years ago •
On my project have 10 presence sensors KNX. I need to force it with 2bits switch control and show the actual status.
I insert a command and a feedback on knx ip router driver (i not try with baos). Command work fine, but feedback not change when i send the command from iRidium or another device on KNX (for example an pushbutton).
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Customer support service by UserEcho
Can you send your Iridium project and the KNX project ? You can send them to us by e-mail support@iridiummobile.ru
And please specify which channel does not work.
Unfortunately, I can not open your KNX project.
Please specify in which version of ETS did you made your project?
hi dmitry. I use ets 5.5.4 build 952
Are you sure that this channel returns feedback? Can you read data from this channel using ETS ?
Hi Dmitry,
yes, I can read priority from this device, if R flag and T flag are set.
in any case, if i send priority command from ETS, i can see any change on iRidium.
Sorry, but I do not quite understand you. As far as I understand you, if you change the channel's value through ETS, the feedback comes to Iridium. But if you change the channel's value through Iridium, then feedback does not come to Iridium. At the same time, you see a change made through Iridium in the ETS. Right?
Hi Dmitry,
No, if i change channel's value through iRirium, the feedback on iRidium not change, but the command is send to knx (i can see it on ETS).
if iRidium read the value on driver startup, i can see read request and answer on ets, but the feedback not change (and the
if i change channel's value through ets, the feedback on iRidiun not change.
Hi Dmitry,
have you a news of this issue?
Unfortunately, we do not have equipment on which we could check
Can you give us remote access to your KNX router?
Hi Dmitry,
have you an ip baos? you can use it as ip interface (with ets work).
We have an IP BAOS, but if we try to control this channel through it, then we will receive data only from Datapoint. And we need to get data from a particular channel. And we need to get data from a specific channel with a type of 2 bits.
But unfortunately, we do not have equipment that supports this type of channel.
Unfortunately i not have one ip interface on office. But i try with ip baos 777 without any configuration (only IP Address).
iRidium connect to it with IP Router driver (on port 3671) and can send 2 bits command (i can see telegram on ETS Group Monitor), so driver work.
You can send 2 bits telegram from ETS and see if iRidium receive it.
Hi Dmitry,
Have you some news?
Unfortunately, without real equipment, this problem can not be checked.
I tried your method:
But in ETS, I see only the write, but I do not see the answer from the bus about the status of the group address.
Because there is no answer from the group address, the Iridium do not receive anything.
Have you try with 1bit or 1byte? This datatype works on iRidium feedback when i send it from ets. So, why 2bit not work?
Sorry for the delay in the reply. Yes, we checked with type 1bit and 1bite. They return their value to Iridium.
Most likely the data type 2bit does not return its value, as well as the 4bit data type.. At least I do not see an answer form this channel in the ETS.
We will try to find out that thing.
And if you will have equipment that we could test, then it would be very helpful.
At the moment I close the ticket. But if you will have equipment on which you can check, then write to us.
Hi Dmitry,
sorry but i not approve this change of status...
you have checked that iridium not receive the 2bit and 4bit data type, why you change this ticket as "not a bug"?
if iridium not receive this data type from ets, why iridium must
receive if this telegrams are send from an device? the telegrams is the
We can not test the work with the variable 2bit, because we do not have the appropriate equipment. As far as I understand, you also do not have the proper equipment.
A variable with type 4bit does not return any data and this is written on our Wikipedia.
But I'm not sure about the variable with type 2Bit. Because if I try to query the state of this variable in ETS, then I do not see any answer.
If I ask for the state of another variable, then the answer comes.
Therefore, to test this variable, we need hardware that supports it.
I closed the ticket, but we do not refuse to help you. And if there is a possibility to check this variable, we will inform you about the results.
Iridium does not receive data from the ETS, it gets them from the KNX bus. Therefore, if nothing comes from the bus, then Iridium will not get anything.
Good day Dmitry,
ETS send data on KNX bus, not directly to iRidium...but i connected on our client and i recorder the telegrams of 2bit...see attachment
Yes, i understand this. I wrote you about the same.
As far as I understand your client has equipment that supports the type of group address 2bit?
When sending a command to the bus, you could also see the response in the ETS? Could you give us access to this equipment?
Hello Dmitry,
sorry, I can't give you access to client house.
All devices that have the function of "force operation" have the 2bit object. For example all MDT output devices have it.
On XML you can see a recorder of ets comunications:
1. a read request of 2 bit address from ets
2. a response of 2 bit address from device
3 and 5. a command of 2 bit address from ets
4 and 6. a change state of output channel from device
All telegrams have received an ACK response from bus
Hello Dmitry,
have you some news for this issue?
Unfortunately, at the moment we were not able to find out the reason for the problem you specify. But we will try to investigate this problem.
Hi Dmitry,
have you some news?
Unfortunately, this issue is still on the investigate. But we will try to investigate it in the near time.
Thanks for waiting
Hi Dmitry,
this issue is still on the investigate? Or you have find a fix?
Hi Dmitry,
any news for this issue?
I need to do a big project with several KNX PIR sensor and i need to use a 2bit force control signal...
please, give me a good news.
We have added the ability to receive a feedback from the 2bit channel and also from the 4bit channel. This correction was included in the new version of Iridium 1.2.11