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Hi! You need to use MAIN.RELAISOUT in Iridium PLC Var Name. Only when using Global variables without {attribute 'qualified_only'} you can manage them without program-prefix.

Hi! Thanks for that.

How we could use device mac-address or something like that(?) so clientid depents on phone macaddress or something like that? Any suggestions?

Yes, but is it possible to set mqqt client id automatically? If there is client connecting with same id, there is client id collision and i3-clients are disconnected.

Aäron Leman: if you read global variables, then you need to add global_variables. before your variable. Always type global variable list name + . before variable. You can also read/write variables inside prg. Just type your prg -name instead of global variable list -name.

Pozzera: There is no limit, but there is some fix coming for iridium. There was some issue when you got lots of feedbacks. I had problems when there was over 150 feedbacks, but got fix for my iridium server umc and now it works flawless with 500 feedbacks!
