Your comments


Do you want to limit the length of a line for a server feedback?


We didn 't check. The iRidium server for Raspberry is 100% tested only on version 3B with the Jessie operating system . On other platforms and OS, the work is not gagarnted.


This is not a bug. This is how most iRidium drivers work. If the value has not changed, the listener will not work, the function in Script Modifier will not run.

Do we need to continue to investigate this issue? Or do we consider it resolved in part of your case?


Do you need time for tests?

Добрый день.

В ближайшее время собираемся проверить несколько датчиков у нас (на нашей UMC).

Then you need to create a listener with EVENT_ITEM_CHANGE on each button. You can do this in the loop.


Specify what you want to get from the array?

Ваши действия правильные.

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18.02.2020 скачайте со страницы загрузки релиз новой студии и проделайте те же шаги. Т. е. драйвер нужно обязательно создать в новой студии.

Без подтягивающего резистора проверьте один датчик.