Your comments

Hello everybody,

You can check SSL connection with setup 1.1.2

Здравствуйте, Евгений

Спасибо за ожидание, скачать дистрибутив для WIN можно здесь:

Hi everyone,

The same project starts ok everytime on an iPhone6 / iPhone 5S with iOS10.


iPhone 6, ios10 shows only black screen when i3 pro is started

The same devices and OS.

Please, give me a test project. I'm sorry, but I don't want to hear "I can repeat it with any project" =), please, give me any project, if this mistake repeats with it. Thank you!

And, what version iOS10 do you use? 10.1? 10.2?

Здравствуйте, Владимир

Поддержка Decline добавлена с версии 1.0.11. Функцию необходимо включать в настройках драйвера SIP.

Your schedules are stored in a server project. If a server was reload, a project are loaded again and schedules are started.


You can check it from Setup 1.1.1