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This help desk channel is no longer use for support. I have transferred your appeal to support@iridi.com , wait for a response from colleagues. In the future, if you have any questions, please write there.

I hope for understanding.


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В архиве с шаблоном должен быть текстовый документ с ссылкой на инструкцию по масштабированию.

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Перенес обращение на support@iridi.com, коллеги ответят, пожалуйста подождите.


This help desk channel is no longer use for support. I have transferred your appeal to support@iridi.com , wait for a response from colleagues. In the future, if you have any questions, please write there.

I hope for understanding.


See more: https://dev.iridi.com/Philips_Dynalite

We have the native driver for Dynalite

Yes. This was done a long time ago.

If you have any trouble about this question, then you'll need to send your question to support@iridi.com. Our specialists work there, we changed our help desk.