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Start the iRidium Server.exe file

The server can be launched as a server or as an application. At PC reload the service starts work automatically.

The server does not work on virtual machines! If the server does not start, launch it under Administrator rights

4 Set up the server with the help of the web-interface:

  • Click on W in the console of the iRidium server application
  • Follow the link (http://<host>:8888/)

4 Authorize on the
server using the integrator's login and password from the iRidium
mobile web site. You cannot use the server without authorization.


Go through all authorization steps to get access to the server settings. Activate the option "Test Mode: ON" in the server settings to use it in the fully functional mode. You can see more information about the use modes in the section Licensing Policy.

With the activated Test Mode you can also test work of cloud projects and upload projects from iRidium Transfer (locally, without iRidium Cloud).

Yes, i2 control is not supported by iOS 11. The application will not be updated. We recommend switching to i3 pro version. You can convert v2 projects to v3 - just open and save the old project in the new iRidium Studio. Purchased licenses can be exchanged in My Account in the iRidium V2->Licenses Exchange tab. But before the license exchange, check in the trial mode that everything was correctly converted.

i3lite is a completely different type of project and licensing. The project from i2control or i3pro can not be converted to i3lite.


Yes, it was tested and will be released in the next version (in 1-2 weeks).


we have no plans for improving such a function in the editor, but you can do so right now by processing the sent value via the JS.

Sorry, but we do not provide this information. By the way, API for the Teletask is in the public access.


Добрый день!

Исправление вошло в версию 1.2.1

Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho