Your comments

Hi Aleksandr,

I think it's something what can be handy sometimes. Not only is this case, but for example the end user can place it's own pictures in the app, to make is more of iets own. Or when you have your security cameras on the app and you see something that you can make a snap shot.

By the way I was that installer, I now made a work arround, when restarting the app, you can reload the picture from the cameras. (will fire all presets and reload the snapshots)

my regards,

Paul v. Boven

The problem is with different resolutions. I always make the project in the resolution of the screen. For example if the screen resolution is 1024x768, The project resolution will be 1024x768. But I got the same problem with for example 1920x1080.

I can't wait for this...

I have now some problems regarding switching from irirdium to a website and back.

Sometimes windows shows the iridium page when I switch back to iridium, but iridium doesn't react.

Then I found out that windows still thinks that it's internet explorer is open. When I click on the upper right on the screen it will close the internet explorer on the back and Iridium will work again.

Thanks in advanced
