Your comments

Здравствуйте, Алексей

1. В какой программе вы формируете файл для импорта?

2. Можете отправить пример такого файла для импорта?


Please, check your e-mail

We haven't problem with connect from client (1.1.6/1.1.7) to special beta Server 1.1.7.

Will you see in Server stop of timers?

P.S. Please, will write me in one theme >< I can't follow you

Hello Martin,

Please, check your e-mail, we sent an instruction


Задача вошла в версию 1.1.7

Hello Matthijs,

Please, choose English localization in Studio. We know about this issue and will fix in next versions.

Hello Paolo,

You can check it by 1.1.6

Hello Lain,

Do you have this file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\iRidium Ltd\iRidium Pro\Studio\"?


You can check it with Beta Setup 1.1.5 and this test project. But, this project is only for testing, because improvements are required