Your comments

have you tried to install it normally like in the description over an existing server?

any updates on this? or, can you tell me how a HDL Bus device can directly trigger an action within iridium server including dimming action?

but what do you mean is the problem? writing on the hdd is no problem, this works also inside a docker. the linux doesn't know that it lives inside a docker...

tried it in a docker, installation is ok, but when executing, always the same error occurs:

Hi, no i'am no Linux expert and i don't have much time at the moment. But it was my plan yes. All that i saw about Docker and on YouTube Videos, its really great. You tell in the Dockerfile that you would use a Ubuntu or Debian Base-Image, you set the ports for in/out and your hit run. Then it should be easily possible to install the Linux-Version of iridium3 Server within this "VirtualLinuxMachine". And, it uses A LOT less processing power and ram to run the iRidium-Docker aside the normal OS. And i want it on my Synology NAS. :-)

i just saw in the documentation, that it is possible to make a

AV & Custom Systems (TCP Server):

var driver = IR.CreateDevice(IR.DEVICE_CUSTOM_SERVER_TCP, "iRidium TCP Server",

{Port: 2323,MaxClients: 10 // maximum of clients connected at the same time


thats nice!!!

so, when including this in the project, i would be able to make a tcp connection from a client directly to i3 server and send some data to it?

should the "iRidium TCP Server" be created also in the devicelist to add some feedback channels?

or could these feedback channels be automatically created with the

IR.GetDevice(driver).AddTag(name, data)


but should the data be pulled by i3 server or should it be pushed to the i3 server? is pushing even possible?

so, lets say an arduino is holding temperature informations and is accessable via tcp/ip interface. should we write a tcp/ip driver in iridium to pull that data from the arduino like a hdl-bus device or similar? and, i3 server pulls the data in an interval.

but how to access all the collected data later to use it in other software tools? or should the data be collected in two separate machines so i3 server can do "his" own thing with the data, and additional pushing the value to a mysql database for example.

but thats making the thing not easier. on the current gate-application for i2 on windows, it works fine with two ethernet interfaces. i don't really understand why people want to have the house-controlling-gateways on the same net as the public lan. it is possible to run the normal lan and a vlan tagged lan on the same ethernet interface on the raspberry, so the only thing i3 pro server on the rasperry should look up where to send the data out. or, maybe linux is doing this by its own?

how do others avoid abuse when the gateways are on the same net as the normal lan/wlan?