Your comments

Use the (Mobotix) SIP intercom example project from the download area. Adjust the JS script to reflect the settings for your 2N system, et voila. I got a PoC running with an Audiokit and a Videokit using external AXIS camera's within 15 minutes. And it was the first substantial thing I ever did in iRidium studio.


var intercom12th = new add_doorphone("Upstairs entrance",                          // select name of doorphone,
                                 ["SIP", "6010"],                          // [name of SIP driver in project, SIP number of doorphone],
                                 ["", ""],     // [link to camera, camera Params (only for rtsp)],
                                 ["doorphone 1", "doorphone incoming"]);      // [main page (to call the doorphone), page for incoming calls]
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var intercomBg = new add_doorphone("Main entrance",                          // select name of doorphone,
                                 ["SIP", "6000"],                          // [name of SIP driver in project, SIP number of doorphone],  
                                 ["", "rtsp_transport=tcp;"],     // [link to camera, camera Params (only for rtsp)],
                                 ["doorphone 2", "doorphone incoming"]);      // [main page (to call the doorphone), page for incoming calls]                                                          

P.S. if you say something is not working and you expect other to help you, elaborate... explain what you tried and what happened.

Can you put your findings in this thread also? 

Developer: iRidium

I'm not sure if the code is available somewhere in Gitlab (i.e.) so we could evaluated and update.

Strange indeed, I had this for years in Gira Homeserver. I didn't come to this point yet while rebuilding a project in iRidium.

In that case I would indeed suggest a broad solution in which virtual channels are the source of such functionality. That way many things will become user adjustable. You could even go as far as to adjust scenes by the user.

Indeed a second user is best to control Zway server. Only give the needed access to control the devices.

The most current (working) module should be here:

I have only done a small PoC with the Z-way module, so far no trouble when switching lights. I'll be doing more tests later on.

Did you follow the instructions in the manual? At what part do you notice things don't work for you?

Ok, this works better.

However, what is the best way to add GUI's you publish in the iRidium downloadarea? For example the Black GUI. Can I use it in the theme wizard, or can I only reuse the graphics in the package?

I'll do a reinstall. I noticed I was running an older version ( But the update function told me there was no update (bug?).


I did a default install of i3 from the download area. Everything is empty.