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There is a DGQ01 connected to the test system. 

What do I need to fix?

IAM having trouble with the feedback Name/Artist/Stream and Album/Show.

They are showing in the emulator on my pc. But when I download the project on a 6.0.1 android touchscreen they are not showing information.

I have the same issue on a Sibo 7 inch android touchscreen, and a 7 and 22 inch touchscreen from TCI.

Hope you know a solution for this.

Sorry for asking, any update already?

Thank you for the message, we are looking for a another way to control our android touchscreen.

So this topic can be closed.

so there is no such way as an intent called com.iridium or something?

that is not working for me

startActivityForResult(new Intent(i3pro://), 0);