Your comments

In row 187 hue_driver.js color geting from color_picker and transform to HSV format for lamp

The key is similar to the right. You're in the line he was surrounded by braces?

HUE.HueUserID = "SWtjgSQMalbSTx7ypCIP-eSUIVwVOFCc2NWk9Qpx";

1. As written above, you can register a key in the code and no longer need to press the button on the hub.
2. This is just an example of HUE, we rework the code in the format of driver that can be used with any design.

Thank you for your efforts and assistance in finding errors!

Philips HUE.irpz

In Inits_hue.js on 86 row, you can change value HUE.HueUserID = undefined;

To work with Amazon Echo, you must have your cloud, or using the built-in system to create Amazon links for specific tags ... We are currently working on the creation of a universal cloud-based Amazon, which can operate the server, but this is a prototype, and has no specific terms of implementation .. .

Это пример, а не "чистый" драйвер, так что несколько устройств только через самостоятельное программирование на JS. Переработка модулей в драйверы запланирована на июль.

Добрый день!

Вы указали необходимые настройки (deviceID + type) в Setup.JS ???