Uw opmerkingen

Sorry, but I can not recommend a specific model.

I do not think I can help you without providing the project and the initial ETS. Contact technical support with this question.


we do not have ZigBee module for i3lite

Hello, Francesco
With incorrect import, I recommend contacting technical support with the folowing information:

- version of the studio,

- including the ETS project and the project after import.

We are sure that the "Read on Start" status works correctly.

If the addresses do not respond, then why use the "Read on start" flag in the ETS ?? Remove it in the ETS and there will be no problems.

There is no tool for batch processing of properties, it is necessary to set this property manually.

But why should you disable this feature? After all, then the server will not have actual data on the status of group addresses in the KNX - bus??


Please clarify:
1. Do you want to do this in the studio in the entire server project or while the project is running?
2. Which driver are you using? KNX? If this KNX, this property is copied from the ETS project.


The lifetime of the key is about a month, and if the panel was online, it is automatically renewed. Unfortunately, there is no solution for "permanent" authorization.