Your comments

hello Jackie Roos!

This is my project. I want to run lighting with APL=6.8 ( address lighting on myhome legrand system).I wanna setup on/off this lighting for schedule of you. My Project.irpz


I see server online. But I don't receive time server in project of you!

Scheduler Enabled 1 don't connect!


Now, I want to know when are you test schedule OK ??? I realy necessary it.


. I see server online. But I don't receive time server in project of you!


Can you help me : I want to sent command to driver Myhome Bticino.

Example: If I wanna Lighting have address is 11 then I send command : "*1*1*11##",13 to Myhome driver ; I can edit where in this project.

As seem as I create driver myhome, But I don't know that I can edit in command if scripts of you.

If I edit : commands[1]="0; Myhome; *1*1*11##,13" : TRUE OR FALL

Hello jackie Roos!

I run this project!. I see tocken driver online, but i don't receive time feedback.

I setup ip address is IP server.

Hello Jackie Roos!

I had downloaded! But I can't open this project


I want to know " this schedule be implemented or not??" I realy necessary it

My custommer want to setup timer turn on light , water heater by smartphone!


Thank you Dmitry! I understood.

But I don't know find URL cheme of any new application on IOS and Android Device. On list of URL cheme - IOS suppport , I don't see "URL cheme " of my software so I was setup.

Can you guide search URL cheme a third-part application.

This is great idea. I hope scheduling will be implemented