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It can work at the same time if it is on different computers and will require additional setting routers via twincat.

For example, settings for twincat2:

SYSTEM - Configuration -> Route Settings -> Tab (Static Routes) -> Add...

Route Name target: Any name

AmsNetId: your ip + 1.1 (example

Transport Type: TCP/IP

Address Info: your ip

click button "Add Route" and after button "Close"

Verify that the installation is started with administrator rights. Try to make the first run with the administrator role.

Casatunes works on the Windows platform. Iridium server also has a version under Windows. We checked compatibility - it works. However, I draw your attention to the fact that the simultaneous operation of two highly loaded systems on one device can lead to hang-ups and problems.

Tero, glad that our product causes you tears of happiness)

The correct driver name with the word ADS will appear in version 1.1.6 (now in beta).

I pay attention, that twinkat and this driver can not work in parallel. They create competitive connections to the device. Try turning off the twinkat for testing.

We can not do it now or in the next couple of months, so this functionality remains in the idea.

The "Create" button is available only after you enter a new user's mail. The system checks that this user is not in the system and allows you to create an account.

Martin, it works! Try create empty project and send date from web-interface:

var TCPConnection = IR.CreateDevice(IR.DEVICE_CUSTOM_SERVER_TCP, "TCPConnection", "", 55555, 5, IR.BACKGROUND_OFF);
var string = 0;

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_TEXT, TCPConnection, function(text, client_id,  host, port, host_ip, host_port) {
   if(text == "Answer")
      IR.Log("EVENT_RECEIVE_TEXT " + text);

function fnStr(in_Type, in_Name, in_Value) {
   IR.Log("Set string to " + in_Value)
   string = in_Value;

function fnSend(in_Type, in_Name, in_Value) {
   IR.Log("Send text " + string);

This topic is discussed by integrators. The Iridium team does not recommend such a solution (it is extremely
unsafe) and requires a good understanding of network interaction, so we do not participate in this discussion.