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Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


Temperature Measurement Token in Android

Artyom Syomushkin 9 jaar geleden in iRidium Script / Interface scripts bijgewerkt door Oksana (expert) 9 jaar geleden 2
A lot of Android devices feature Battery or CPU Temperature Sensor.
It would be useful to add them to System Tokens. With some correction such sensor can be used as ambient temperature sensor in the place where panel is installed.
System Tokens Android

xbmc launched from desktop

Ekaterina (head of support) 11 jaar geleden in iRidium Script / Interface scripts bijgewerkt door Sergey (expert) 10 jaar geleden 5
This can be done, for that he will need to use the opportunity to create Iridium server. On a PC, it will run the server - the project desctop Server.irpz on his ipad project will be launched iPad Client.irpz

To work projects on the PC and on the iPad Pro will need a license or trial.

The draft iPad Client.irpz he should change only the ip address on the ip address of the PC on which it will run desctop Server.irpz
The project desctop Server.irpz need to check the path to the XBMC maybe it will be different from the current plan.


set object view order by script

r riksma 10 jaar geleden in iRidium Script / Interface scripts bijgewerkt 10 jaar geleden 2
Is it possible to specify a view order after an item is created?
I would like to generate a background for a number of items, but i have to make sure it is always generated first or the items disappear behind the background.

It would be great if there is a way to set this order with javascript after creating the object.
Ekaterina (head of support) 10 jaar geleden
This parameter cannot be changed via the script.
You set it when creating the item, so the items should be created in the right sequence

Mouse over.

TuomoHautala 10 jaar geleden in iRidium Script / Interface scripts bijgewerkt door iRidiumNikita 10 jaar geleden 4
Is there possibility to do mouse-over events in GUI editor?

Error with binding image url to UI item\s state "Image" property

Эмиль Боев 10 jaar geleden in iRidium Script / Interface scripts bijgewerkt door Oksana (expert) 10 jaar geleden 8
If one will try to assign 2 images (from internet by url) to 2 different states of one UI item, there will be an error!

For example:

IR.GetPage("Page 1").GetItem("Test").GetState(1).Image = "";
IR.GetPage("Page 1").GetItem("Test").GetState(0).Image = "";

than both states (0 and 1) will be with "first.jpg" image.

If that one will try:

IR.GetPage("Page 1").GetItem("Test").GetState(0).Image = "";
IR.GetPage("Page 1").GetItem("Test").GetState(1).Image = "";

than both states (0 and 1) will be with "second.jpg" image.
Oksana (expert) 10 jaar geleden

We researched your task, and it's not a bug. In current conception working of Dynamic Image, we didn't plan this functional.
Dynamic Images work with only one state of item now.
Waiting for user's reply

exceptions not getting generated when the should be...

rocfusion 10 jaar geleden in iRidium Script / Interface scripts bijgewerkt door Oksana (expert) 10 jaar geleden 3

Take a look at the following project.  Run it….

The script refers to two popups from which only one exists in the project.

When the scripts runs, I would expect  "    var full = parent.GetItem(path[1]);" would generate an exception given that path[1]  doesn't contain anything when used against the beginpage variable.  Instead the full variable is assigned null.

The IR.GetPopup should generate an exception for the nextpage variable.  Given that we assigning an popup that doesn't exist in the project. 




Изменение параметра Time Up и Time Down

evg 10 jaar geleden in iRidium Script / Interface scripts bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 10 jaar geleden 1
Доброе утро!
Подскажите, возможно ли изменять из скрипта параметры Time Up и Time Down для анимированного элемента?
Если нет, то было бы не плохо.

Circle slider

evg 10 jaar geleden in iRidium Script / Interface scripts bijgewerkt door Oksana (expert) 10 jaar geleden 0
It has come.

FPS readout

Johan 10 jaar geleden in iRidium Script / Interface scripts bijgewerkt door Oksana (expert) 9 jaar geleden 1
Idea to get FPS readout to an item on a page. For testing purposes.

Thanx in advance!