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No Clone Popup Page

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 11 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 2
When we right-click on a Popup-Page in the Project Overview, there is no option to Clone the Popup Page.

Please add this option.


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Iridium studio improvements

geekhouse srls 9 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 2

Hi guys,

i was wondering, why don't you update iridium studio with some more way to create graphics items like:

- add the circles shapes

- give the possibility to select only the jpg icon or the shape we would like to interact

- give the chances to have layer because sometimes we cannot delete images stuck somewhere under the background



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Absolute positioning of text.

rocfusion 13 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 2

With the text alignment in a button\level etc. when you choose absolute positioning the text is positioned at the specified location but with left alignment. It would be even better if we could have an additional option, that allows to absolute position the text but with right alignment. This will give greater control of where text can be placed within an item.



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Add Delays to send command panel

Barry Jones 10 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен 9 лет назад 15
would like to be able to add delays for drag and drop commands in the send command panel, may be in the action panel you could select press and add delay, good for buttons with multiple commands like tv channels and macro buttons, you could set default delay in job notes so as to default to the job

Image 8780


Цвета по умолчанию для новых элементов

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 11 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 2

Было бы хорошо, если бы была возможность выбрать цвета по умолчанию для новых элементов. Сейчас это синий и зеленый, но добавьте  возможность выбора пользователем цвета для новых элементов в Инструментах, Параметрах, Настройках управления по умолчанию.
Пожалуйста, также добавить возможность выбрать количество положений (1, 2, 3 и т.д.)
А также возможность выбрать будут новые элементы прозрачными или нет.


GUI Editor
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Object alignment tool

t cooper 9 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 9 лет назад 1

Tool for Aligning multiple objects on the page but keep the relative position between the selected objects.

Alternatively when objects are grouped and the alignment tool is use, to keep their relative position within the group.

( I use this a lot in AMX TPDesign :) )

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stop the driver tree from opening every time you add a new driver

Barry Jones 9 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 2

hi guys can we not have the driver tree open evey driver when adding a new device driver from the global cashe cloud, if you have lots of global cashe units in your driver tree they all open up and every time you have to close them all, also a driver tree close button, this would allow you to close all the device drivers at once.

contact for more information

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Save and download windows

evg 9 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 2

Please make save and download windows non-modal ones.

In big projects it takes lots of time and one can't do anything but looking on it.

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Option to control (limit) the number of characters into Editbox

rocfusion 13 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 2


There should be an option to control (limit) the number of characters that can be typed into an edit box. At present there is no limitation. Sure javascript can be used to check the text after it has been entered; but this doesn't help with the actual data entry.




images in the project gallery - option to rename

rocfusion 10 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен Dmitry - support (expert) 9 лет назад 5

it would be useful when there is an option to rename the  images in the project gallery.  This in turn would need to change the graphical items that are referring to the renamed image.


GUI Editor/Gallery
Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 лет назад

This is fixed in Studio 1.0.5

Please close topic

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