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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
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Похожие темы не найдены.
Text or Json file
Ismail Alizadeh 10 лет назад
в Готовые скриптовые модули
обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 10 лет назад •
Can i get some information from text or json file in js?
Sonos module
You can ask your question about Sonos module here.
Download Sonos Module: http://www.iridiummobile.net/products/module/sonos/
Download Sonos Module: http://www.iridiummobile.net/products/module/sonos/
Sonos module + Spotify, Deezer and other
Hi, I am new to iRidium and just testing a few things out. I have opened a project called 'Black GUI Training Edition' in advance of a webinar and looking at Sonos control. I have added Spotify to my Sonos system which works using the sonos iPad app, but this option does not appear in the 'Remote Sonos' popup 'ContentList' list. there are other music on demand features of Sonos, are these supported?
Thanks, Paul
The old discussion is located here: http://forum.iridiummobile.net/index.php?topic=2101.0
Thanks, Paul
The old discussion is located here: http://forum.iridiummobile.net/index.php?topic=2101.0
Localisation Sonos Module
How can i get my Sonos to return dutch language instead of english?
My Sonos is in dutch... but when i use the iridium Sonos the language of the text's from sonos are english instead of dutch.
My Sonos is in dutch... but when i use the iridium Sonos the language of the text's from sonos are english instead of dutch.
Oksana (expert)
10 лет назад
Please search words "Music Library" and etc. in the script. (Ctrl + F in Script Editor)
Replace words "Music Library" and etc. in all lines.
Try start program.
Replace words "Music Library" and etc. in all lines.
Try start program.
Iridium for Plex home theare control
Have any idea about how to control plex HT from iridium. I have licence iridium but don't know how to integrate with plex home theare.Can one guide me how to do that.
Netatmo weatherstation JS driver
Has anyone made a JS driver for the Netatmo Weatherstation yet?
Alessandro Munari 9 лет назад
в Готовые скриптовые модули
обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 9 лет назад •
Hi to all.
Just a question Iridiummobile can exchange informatio with an SQL server ?
in any way ?
some ideas ?
Just a question Iridiummobile can exchange informatio with an SQL server ?
in any way ?
some ideas ?
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