Add your idea or search for answers in existing topics. The most popular ideas will be implemented faster!
We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to .
Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.
Where to put the cookie parameter while sending HTTP commands??
I have been trying to get Iridium to work with the Sony tv, and the tv requires HTTP to communicate via IP, but I have to put a cookie which makes the connection possible. Can you please tell me where I can put the cookie in Iridium GUI editor?
Universal IR Remote on iPhone
I found an universal IR adapter on and a question comes to me… Would it be possible to use it with iRidium? then would it be possible to re-use GC commands via that stuff?
Thanks for answer.
Циклическое повторение функции
Поясните пожалуйста почему в следующем скрипте:
function byte1(val)
return val >>> 24
function ReadEvent(val)
IR.Log("Значение байта 1: "+ byte1(val));
function WriteLog ()
IR.Log("просто сообщение")
функция ReadEvent не работает циклично через каждые 5 сек.? В то время как WriteLog работает, т.е. код исполняется каждые 5 сек.
How to view the camera in external network by iPad
Locally we can see it by adding the ipaddress of the camera's in dynamic images, But In Externally How to add it,, Kindly share the ideas,,
Thanks for an advance
GC script command example
Could you please post an example showing how to send a native Global Cache command with a script?
For modbus i use this to send the value 1.
IR.GetDevice("Modbus TCP").Set("Command1",1);<br>
Let's say i want to send commands to an Apple TV, could i use Set, or Send like this?
IR.GetDevice("Modbus TCP").Set("CURSOR UP",X);<br>IR.GetDevice("Modbus TCP").Send([X]);<br>
What value should go where the X is now?
Just wondering if anyone has tried integrating with Vera yet?
I have tested locally connectivity OK, but am curious to a possible solution for remote access?
Site License pro
Event item exit?
Is there an EVENT_ITEM_EXIT or equivalent?
I am currently using EVENT_ITEM_CHANGE for error checking, but I want to send the command once, based on the input, ie when focus leaves the item, not every time the edit box is changed
Or is there an event fired when the keyboard hits 'ENTER' or 'TAB'?
Or what do you suggest please?
Release event of item in a draggable popup isn't fired when the popup is moved
This way you get unpredictable behaviour for the items on a draggable popup, especially when you accidentally move the popup a few pixels.
In the nearest versions the concept of working with popups will be the same. But we plan to introduce the margin of error so the sending of commands is not canceled when you move popups a few pixels.
Sincerely yours,
Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team
Modbus variables
F.E. If it needed to switch off leak sensors from iPad. In program I check flag-variable.
And here u can download an example.
U can find our previous discussions in your profile, it could help.
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