Add your idea or search for answers in existing topics. The most popular ideas will be implemented faster!

We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to .

Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


Custom HTTP Driver - Receiving a response

r riksma 10 jaar geleden in iRidium Script / AV and Driver scripts bijgewerkt 10 jaar geleden 16
Good afternoon,

I've been working on creating a custom HTTP driver. I can send commands without any problems but I would like to parse the returned response code and data as well.

I have been unable to find documentation on how to do this. Could you provide me with an example or tell me what's wrong with the following code? It does send the commands but the response from the server is lost.

function HTTPDriver(host,port){

this.init = function() {
this.HTTPDriver = IR.CreateDevice(IR.DEVICE_CUSTOM_HTTP_TCP, "HTTPDriver", host, port, "root", "atata", IR.SSL_OFF, IR.BACKGROUND_OFF);

this.get = function(param) {
IR.Log("Param " + param);
return this.HTTPDriver.Send(['GET,' + param + ',']);

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_START, 0, function () {
var httpDriver = new HTTPDriver("testserver","80");

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_TEXT, httpDriver, function(text)


IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_DATA, httpDriver, function(text)


Sergey (expert) 10 jaar geleden
status can not be obtained from the server via HTTP driver

SIP's some function not implemented

Эмиль Боев 9 jaar geleden in Products / Other drivers bijgewerkt door Oksana (expert) 9 jaar geleden 4
In log we see current:

[10-06-2015 18:50:13.787] DEBUG Init RTP Connection From 40004 (40004 - 9078) Payload Type: 99
[10-06-2015 18:50:13.788] ERROR Payload type 99 not finded in table
Oksana (expert) 9 jaar geleden
Hello Александр,

You use an unsupported video codec. iRidium is supported only H263 video codec.

Sincerely yours,
Oksana Storozheva
iRidium mobile Team

Модуль для плеера Aimp.

iRidiumNikita 9 jaar geleden in JS modules bijgewerkt door Oksana (expert) 9 jaar geleden 1

Image 9649

Скачать модуль AIMP

Данный модуль предназначен для управления плеером Aimp и при желании может быть встроен в ваш проект. Управление осуществляется через плагин "Control plugin", который вы можете бесплатно скачать и установить с сайта разработчика. После установки плагина на компьютер, необходимо зайти в его настройки (Aimp -> Плагины - > Control Plugin) и установить галочку напротив того интерфейса, через который будет осуществляться управление.

Image 9648

Разработка - Илья Шевченко, OaSys, г. Харьков,Украина
Заказчик и идея - Юрий Кривоногов , ai-systems, г.Улан-Удэ (

Level value in two digits

lucian 9 jaar geleden in General bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden 2
I need to send a volume command from a level (min 0, max 38).
The command is '<11VOxx',x0D where xx is the value for the volume. For the first 9 digits the value from the level is 0,1,2 ...9, but I need to send 00,01,02 ... 09. How can I get the value from the level in two digits, for the first 9 values?

Thank you

где прочитать об аргументе PickColor​ и почему его нет в iRidium Script Helper??

Андрей Попович 9 jaar geleden in iRidium Script bijgewerkt door Dmitry - support (expert) 9 jaar geleden 7 1 dubbel

День добрый всем! Помогите новичку!!!

В Примере: Демонстрационные интерфейсы iRidium -> Продвинутые графические возможности, есть пример Scrip-та для странички Color Picker, в нём есть выражение

M1.GetState(0).FillColor = P1.PickColor; если его развернуть то получим выражение

IR.GetItem("Color Picker").GetItem("Ligjt_map_1").GetState(0).FillColor = IR.GetItem("Color Picker").GetItem("Item 1").PickColor;

Вопрос где прочитать об аргументе PickColor и почему его нет в iRidium Script Helper??

Under review

Данные от оборудования в виде кода страницы

evg 9 jaar geleden in iRidium Script bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden 7
Добрый день!
Подскажите, как правильно обработать данные от оборудования полученные в виде HTML кода страницы?
Есть какие-нибудь стандартные механизмы?
Under review

Telnet autorization

Ekaterina (head of support) 11 jaar geleden in iRidium Script / AV and Driver scripts bijgewerkt door Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 4 jaar geleden 16

The user authorization at connection to Telnet looks as follows:

Connecting to ...
Connected to
Login Please
Username: user
Password: password
Welcome to TELNET.

In the dialog window for connection login and password are sent in the open format. The login should be sent after receiving the "Username:" string, the password – after receiving the "Password:" string.

To perform the Telnet authorization in iRidium you should use the AV & Custom Systems (TCP) driver for which we create the following script:

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_TEXT, IR.GetDevice('AV_Driver'), function(text)
  IR.Log("text = "+text);
  if (text.indexOf('Username') != -1)
  } else if (text.indexOf('Password') != -1)


  • 'AV_Driver' – the name of the AV & Custom Systems (TCP) driver in the project device tree.
  • Send(['Login',13,10]) - Login – the user name
  • Send(['Password',13,10]) - Password – the password for  the indicated user.   

The script performs authorization after which (Welcome to TELNET.) you can send commands to equipment and receive feedback from it via Telnet.

PS: Your equipment might have a slightly different authorization dialog window. In this case modify the script so it could identify the strings after which you need to enter the login and password correctly. It will be enough for the correct work of the script.


DLP - Panel control - control button

Roy Solberg 9 jaar geleden in Products / HDL-BUS Pro bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden 1

The answer at describes how the "panel control" command can be sent with the sub command "control button". Is there any way to controll the buttons outside the 4 pages as described?

I would like to control the buttons on e.g. the floor heating page. Is that at all possible?


Read Modbus Status

oggi katic 9 jaar geleden in Products / Modbus bijgewerkt door Dmitry - support (expert) 9 jaar geleden 8

Hello Everybody.

Can somebody explain me how to read a status from a modbus device/adress.

Right now i can toggle light on/off. but i want to read a feedback, then if status is 0 the state 1 of a button is active.

I have these informations from my modbus controller.

Image 10350


HDL bus prop - Feedback from Logic server and DLP panel

fredrikml 9 jaar geleden in i2 Control V2.2 bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden 7


I have two questions that I have not been able to find answer to on you forums or FAQ

1. Status feedback from logic server:
I am able to received feedback and see status on devices like dimmers, relays etc but adding Status on start to the respective page that I have the relays or dimmer channels on.
This gives me status

However, when using the logic server I have configured a lot of different universal switches for my smart house like (day, night, away etc)
I can not find any command - Status on start on the logic server, and is not able to get feedback on which Universal switch is active?
can you please help

2. DLP and heat control:
I am monitoring all my DLP's and get temperatur, mode (day, night, away etc), but I also want to get a feedback and see if heating is on or not. can you please indicate which function to use and send reference to the manual.

thanks for great product
