i2 Control V2.2

Discuss the previous iRidium version (V2.2.3) with other users

We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .

Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


H264 Camera problem

Melih 10 years ago in GUI Editor updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

Connecting to an ssh server and sending commands to it

akorolev 10 years ago in i2 Control V2.2 updated by a pivovarov 7 years ago 6

Sending "Play" Command

j4zz J4zzee 7 years ago in iRidium Script / AV and Driver scripts updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 7 years ago 1

Ensuring Feedback with use of multiple devices

j4zz J4zzee 8 years ago in i2 Control V2.2 updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 7 years ago 3
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Can I exchange my ALREADY ACTIVADED I2.X license from iridium 2 to 3?

Gabriel Ruiz 7 years ago in General updated by Tatiana Kiselyova (expert) 7 years ago 1


IR.Execute to send parameters

Jackie Roos 9 years ago in iRidium Script / AV and Driver scripts updated by Alessandro Munari 11 months ago 2

IR.Execute workds well, BUT it would be great for it to also send parameters in the IR.Execute command


IR.Execute('D:\\someprograme\\Program.exe /some parameters')

The same as when executing from the command line or run command

Probably just a windows & Mac feature?


Iridium studio improvements

geekhouse srls 9 years ago in GUI Editor updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 2

Hi guys,

i was wondering, why don't you update iridium studio with some more way to create graphics items like:

- add the circles shapes

- give the possibility to select only the jpg icon or the shape we would like to interact

- give the chances to have layer because sometimes we cannot delete images stuck somewhere under the background




Save and download windows

evg 9 years ago in GUI Editor updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 2

Please make save and download windows non-modal ones.

In big projects it takes lots of time and one can't do anything but looking on it.


Change order/spacing of buttons in iRidium Log

Jackie Roos 9 years ago in i2 Control V2.2 updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 2


Can we please change the order and add some spacing to the buttons in iRidium log as it is very easy to press on clear rather than save:

Change from

Image 10005

to something like

Image 10006


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Sonos module (or other modules) with no valid license

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 years ago in i2 Control V2.2 updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 1


When testing with Sonos (for example on an iPad), and there is no valid license used (for example: the end-user has an Site-license, but the site-license is accidentilly not added to the Sonos-project), the Sonos App is showing "Loading", without any further action, message or visible warning that there is NO valid license to use (in this case) the Sonos App.

My idea:

If there is NO valid license found when running test-projects, commercial projects, etc, please make a warning on the panel: no valid license found. This can save much, much time for searching reasons a project can not executed.



PS: We already adviced this 3 years ago, but we didn't found it on this Forum...Image 9976