
On this forum you can discuss iRidium with other users.

iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.

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Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


External JS Editor

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 11 years ago in iRidium Script updated by crabicode 8 years ago 5
More and more installers / system-integrators are asking us for External Javascript Editors. Like IDE-A/Intellij (http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/) or Eclipse (free, see http://www.eclipse.org/ide/).


It is bug-free
It is including with all functionality professional Javascript programmers want
It saved iRidium developers much time, so they can spent time for other important tasks
It is for free

With using JAR-files (libraries) iRidium-programmers can implement these tools, and it's very comfortable for Javascript programmers!


Please reply if you want this functionality!


Checking syntax when saving scripts

rocfusion 10 years ago in iRidium Script updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 4

It would be very useful and time saving when scripts are saved the syntax of the script is checked. ie functions, variables, operators, conditional statements ( for, if, while, switch ) At this time when you run the emulator or transfer an project with a script which is known to generate an exception because of bad syntax, there is nothing being checked. You have to wait. Now depending on the system you are developing on that can be 30 secs to minutes of time wasted waiting for the emulator to start only to discover that you forgot to add an closing bracket ' }' on an if statement, It would save sooo much time if at the point of saving the script the syntax is checked and if there is an error, a dialogue displays what is wrong,

This system of syntax checking exists in many other development environments and is an feature which is missing from the iRidium script editor, Even the Logic Machine from Embedded Systems has this built in their lua scripting editor



Сжатие gzip для js

Dmitry Ryzhkov 9 years ago in iRidium Script updated by Oksana (expert) 8 years ago 5


как можно работать со сжатыми данными через скрипт? Многие HTTP-сервера поддерживают сжатие.

Например есть сжатые данные и их необходимо прочитать

var uncompressed = IR.Uncompress(compressedData, outputSize);

Так же, если необходимо сжать данные и отправить обратно

var compressed = IR.Compress(uncompressedData);

В данный момент, я занимаюсь разработкой драйвера под Apple TV 4 и эта функция очень необходима.


Lists -- multi column lists....

rocfusion 13 years ago in iRidium Script updated by Dmitry Ryzhkov 8 years ago 3

We have only seen single column lists, it would be great if we could create multi - column lists and each item can contain multiple buttons. Where the items fill the screen left to right on each row.

A simple example is like the book app on the ipad, see attached image. or the plex ios app



JS Editor find & replace

Alessandro Munari 8 years ago in iRidium Script updated 8 years ago 2

Hi Iridium team,

It would be helpful to have find & replace function in the JS editor.

or if it already there, maybe I can not find it.



List CreateItem SubItem должен быть не только числом но и именем!

cyberdyne 9 years ago in iRidium Script updated by Dmitry - support (expert) 9 years ago 2

При создании/изменении параметров элемента списка приходится указывать subitem как некий неизвестный индекс.

Это не правильно.

1. Не так просто узнать этот индекс.

2. При использовании разных элементов списка для одного списка - индексы могут быть разными для разных графических объектов элемента списка.

Особенно тяжело когда в элементе списка заложено много функционала который должен включаться в зависимости от действий пользователя.

И получается то ли индекс(subitem) = 10 это текст то ли это прозрачная накладка как кнопка толи ещё что.

А вот было бы здорово если можно было бы указать не число а название графической части этого элемента - например "TransparentButton_N8"


Hide Group in JavaScript

Jackie Roos 9 years ago in iRidium Script updated by Oksana (expert) 8 years ago 8


In the GUI Editor Macro Editor there is a Hide Group

Image 11451

Is there a hide group in JavaScript? If not can it please be added


Oksana (expert) 8 years ago

Hello Jackie,

It has been implemented from Setup 1.1.3


iPhone/iPad volume buttons

Dmitry Ryzhkov 8 years ago in iRidium Script 0

It would be great to use hardware volume buttons on Apple devices for home automation control. Take event and do some action. I.e. simple volume control for room audio system.

BR, D.

Waiting for user's reply

Anyone here with a ready made HTTP-Server (TCP_Custom_Server) script?

Martin Lang 8 years ago in iRidium Script updated by a pivovarov 7 years ago 17

Is anyone here having a ready made script for a TCP_CUSTOM_SERVER that acts like a small HTTP-Server?

I thought i ask before i start writing my own...




script helper incorrectly 'helps' with server driver locations Drivers should be removed

Lance 8 years ago in iRidium Script updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 8 years ago 1

Script helper incorrectly adds the word 'Drivers' instead of the word 'Server' when inserting the script helper commands if you are using the 'drivers' tab. It doesn't seem to work both ways and it must be 'Server'.

Seems like it wouldn't be a tough fix and would help newcomers to remove the 'drivers tab. I simply haven't found a reason for the drivers category but to cause me confusion.

Image 18337