On this forum you can discuss iRidium with other users.
iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.
Please send your questions to support team as a private messages.
Please subscribe to the Change Log to know our news
We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .
Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.

Request for reading server channels and tags from KNX
At the moment reading of KNX channels on the UMC server is not supported.
How can the request for reading from the KNX system be processed by scripts?

Здравствуйте, Евгений
Простите за длительное ожидание ответа. Данный функционал нельзя реализовать на скриптах, требуется доработка в серверном приложении.
Исправила ваше сообщение под идею и выставила ее на голосование

Change name of iRidium Server in Webinterface
i think it's a good idea to have the possibility to change the name of de iRidium Server (UMC/RPI) in the webinterface. Now, this is only possible in Linux, but installers wants the possibility to change this also by themself in webinterface.

Как настроить дату и время на UMC сервере?
Как настроить дату и время на UMC сервере?
E меня сейчас 1970й год

Добавим в вэб панель, этот функционал.
Выбор часового пояса и установка даты и времени.

Receiving IP notify from Mobotix T25, to send push notification
I would like some help with server-side script, which would receive IP-notify from mobotix T25, so push notification could be sent.
This solution would be perfect as direct SIP call is not possible to iridium app, running in background mode.

iRidium KNX UMC Server
Please make it possible to use the iRidium UMC KNX Server like an IP-interface for programming (with the ETS-software) the KNX-installation.

Чтение каналов KNX c UMC
Добрый день!
Запрос на чтение канала из KNX игнорируется.
Т.е. сервер подключается по IP к устройству, получает состояние.
После этого я подключаю KNX и отправляю запрос на чтение канала, ответа не приходит.
Это стандартная функция в KNX. Это очень нужно.

Дублирование проекта если загружать обновление в UMC server через облако.

Не работает COM порт на UMC сервере.
Добрый день.
И миником спокойно подсоединяется
Готовы дать все доступы

new line feed after message is entered in the log text file?
for my debugging purposes, it would be good to see a clear overview of all debug messages in the server logfile (without postprocessing etc).
Right now, it seems to be continous text which is hard to read quickly.
How can one enter a new line feed after each (all, not only script) comment, so that each line starts with the [time] followed by the comment.

I3 lite server and I3 pro server on the same machine
Hello everybody,
Thanks for your support.
I installed I3 pro server with one panel (wall ipad) but the customer wants to use his smartphone outside the house.
Can I installed both I3pro and I3 lite server on the same machine? I just want to use I3lite for his smartphone to use it simply and don't create a new project with I3pro.
Thanks in advance
Customer support service by UserEcho