Your comments

Добрый день

эта возможность не предусмотрена.

Вы можете по расписанию забирать логи из папки средствами самого NAS, на работу сервера "пропавшие" логи не влияют.


it will be done later (before the end of the year). Now it is only available for i3lite

Hi, Wouter

You can't change FontSize - a font of a specific size is loaded into memory when it is created. The only way is to create a new font of a different size and replace it with an element.

И получают ли HDL DLP панели статусы от CoolMaster

Какими командами Вы управляете через iRidium Pro (название Operation Code) и как осуществляется управление через HDL DLP панели

Hello, is your problem still unresolved?

В версии 1.1.7 можно выбирать версию протокола SSL в настройках. Попробуйте, пожалуйста.

Of course not, I agree that it's better to use internal application methods. But understand that, in addition to you, no one asked about this possibility. This is a matter of priorities and if only one person asks for a new  opportunity, and in the past six months no one has addressed such a request, any doubt of expediency (and a security issue is a good "doubt") lead to the cancellation of the task.