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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
No Category "General" or "Forum" when posting something regarding this Forum
There is no Category to post ideas/complaints about this Forum. Only Categories like "GUI Editor" or "Transfer" can be selected, but not "Forum" or "General".
Please add these categories
Does the Control Worldwide over internet means control over cloud network from iRidium?
I want to know there is any cloud service provided for online control or it has to be done typially using public ip at local network?
Hello everyone!
Are there any new ideas about building graphs/trends in iRidium for example daily temperature?
iRidium and CSV files with data
I have a question regarding the possibility of cooperating iRidium system with CSV files with data. I want to implement the following functionality: I have a PLC connected with energy meter, PLC gathers data from energy meter and saves it into CSV files. I can write a function in the PLC program which could send this CSV file into the specified localization, for example on the PC. Is it possible to send such CSV file into iRidium system and use historical logs from energy meter which are inside this file?
Best regards
Доброго дня! Подскажите, мне пожалуйста, я хочу сделать первый проект на иридиум для My home. Задача управлять дом кинотеатром и зонами мультирум на Nuvo, Это возможно? Как?
Мне необходимо в моем проекте управлять с помощью вашего По иридиум системой My home, Управлять функциями - свет, климат 4 зоны, кондиционер через ИК и еще дом кинотеатром, мультирумм Nuvo,
Problem with IP Cam
Hey every one
I have a problem when i try to connect my ip camera to iridium.
I use following URL i browser and i get image when pressing Test in Browser
Its image in browser:
And its setup:
When i transfer to Ipad i only get the blue image / button ..
Windows phone 8.1 OS
Why iRidium install on the Windows phone 8.1 is it not planned ?
This OS works better than previous versions.
Intuitive OS, stable, very pleasant tu use.
Best Regards,
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