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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
Using dynamical background images
Send mail from iRidium
It would be great to be able to send an email from iRidium.
Please vote!
In the short term I have written a small email server to use as a driver in iRidium to send email. Please contact me if you need this (jackie@jamware.com)
Is it possible to use a usb joystick for controlling purposes (for windows 8/10)?
I have PTZ ip-cameras which I can control by AV and Custom driver (HTTP), but instead of a virtual joystick I would like to use a (Microsoft HID-compliant) joystick.
Is there a script available for this or do I need to use a joystick to key mapper and use a editbox?
site licenses pro and Global Cache
Reading current popup from static list.
Ipad Ip address
No Category "General" or "Forum" when posting something regarding this Forum
There is no Category to post ideas/complaints about this Forum. Only Categories like "GUI Editor" or "Transfer" can be selected, but not "Forum" or "General".
Please add these categories
Does the Control Worldwide over internet means control over cloud network from iRidium?
I want to know there is any cloud service provided for online control or it has to be done typially using public ip at local network?
saving of project tokens not happening if iRidium not closed gracefully
See attached project 1d_array_save_load_in_token.irpz
1. Run emulator for the first time and token data is 0,0
2. Change token data to 1,1. Close iRidium. Open iRidium. Token Data still 1,1 as expected
3. Run Emulator and Change token data to 2,2:
4. Open task manager and end task on i2 Control
5. Run emulator - Token data is 1,1 but should be 2,2.
This happens on PC's running the i2 Control when the PC is restarted eg from Windows updates.
Please fix
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