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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
Project Tokens GUI Editor - dragging to graphical item
Drag a project token onto an graphic item. you can only configure a relation between the graphical item and the project token.
It would be better if the user was asked first if they want to use this project token as feedback for the graphic item OR do you want to send something to this graphical item, like text or a number or another token.
Customers are asking for the support for IPv6. Is it already possible to use IPv6-addresses? Is it in plans?
Localisation to the date and time format
Is it possible to add localisation to the date and time format?
Change order/spacing of buttons in iRidium Log
Can we please change the order and add some spacing to the buttons in iRidium log as it is very easy to press on clear rather than save:
Change from
to something like
Pansonic tv
Вот здесь скрипт и список команд http://support.iridiummobile.net/topic/1024071-panasonic-viera-tv-soap-zapros-cherez-drajver-custom-http-tcp/
sharing push notifications device token
There are two requirements to make this happen:
1. you have to have a certificate to send the notifications to the APNS. This certificate can be downloaded if you have an apple developer account. I have this covered, no action required for you.
2. you have to have the Device Token so you know where to send the APN. this is where i need your help.
Therefore my question, could you display this token somewhere in the app or the settings?
iRidium Editor - Project Gallery Folder Reload
Would be nice to have a function in iRidium GUI Editor to reload folder in Gallery. In case some icons has changed or new added on the drive.
At the moment I have to delete the Folder and then Import it again.
Time Scheduler
IR.Execute to send parameters
IR.Execute workds well, BUT it would be great for it to also send parameters in the IR.Execute command
IR.Execute('D:\\someprograme\\Program.exe /some parameters')
The same as when executing from the command line or run command
Probably just a windows & Mac feature?
(dynamic) image stretch for scripted objects
If i read it correctly this says it is not possible to set the image of an object created by script to stretch.
There are two reasons this option would really help me:
1. I have a 720p camera stream, on an ipad this still looks tiny.
2. I have to create the same images multiple times for devices with different resolutions. this wouldn't be necessary if the images could be stretched.
Please consider adding this feature if it is not possible yet.
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