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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
Type of project is a hyperlink (URL). Why?
Can you say why the type of the project (here: iridium pro) is blue, and a URL/hyperlink?
Because if we press the blue text, nothing is happening...
We think it's better to make it normal text.
Please add option to change the name of an Object
How to change the name of a Object?
Please make it possible to change the name of objects, created in the Cloud section.
No possibility to change names of Folders
make an option to change the name of the Folder (here: New Folder 2)
Now it's not possible to change this name...
No delete option for wrong projects
Please make a button to delete a project in this screen if the installer accidentilly uploaded the wrong project.
Now he can only upload projects, but not delete projects in this section.
My Account in Cloud - no check for duplicate files
when using this screen, there is no check for duplicate files.
Add this, so installers can only upload 1 version of project file, and not 2x or 3 times the same file.
My Account - Cloud - no cancel when uploaded wrong project
In this screen, after uploading wrong project (V2.2 project), only the option 'Retry' is displayed. But now, we can not delete this project (to cancel the upload of this wrong project).
So, please add a button (Cancel or Delete) to delete this wrong project.
Upload projects in MyAccount - please only .irpz files are allowed
When using this screen, please only select *.irpz files. Because now the user can also select .exe files to upload, and they will not be parsed by website ;-)
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho