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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
Настраиваемые виджеты
пример: "группа света", самый часто используемый элемент управления. виджет содержит левел, $V, триггер, текст, up/down buttons. перетащил его в нужное место, дважды кликнул, задал канал, минимальное и максимальное значения, текст. все. |
пример 2: "термостат". содержит up/down, $V и др. дважды кликнул, привязал каналы, значения, текст (см. NEST http://lh5.ggpht.com/-Zc95p72H8cI/UPO...e_app2.jpg) |
Rotate and mirror images in items
This is very easy for arrows etc.
So: Rightclick on item, and choose for option rotate (90 degrees), or choose for option Mirror
Add these functions also to the toolbar!
Assign feeback & commands to multiple items at the same time
I would like the ability to drag commands, feedback and tokens on to multiple items at the same time.
Eg with sliders and updown buttons and edit box below for each colour, I need the same feedback, but need to do it four times.
Request: Image property on Macro
I request to insert "Image" property of an object on Macro.
So if We have an variable with an URL then We can link it on property.
The variable value can change on time.
For example:
I write an script on iridium server that load an weather information and store a icon URL on a variable.
Next,in a panel, I use this variable for change the image loaded on a object.
Actualy I can use one script
IR.GetPage("Page").GetItem("Item").GetState(0).Image = IR.GetVariable("Driver.iRidium_Server.IconURL");
But is more easy use drag&drop.
Multistate level
Now it is inly integer.
iRidium GUI Editor is not dockable
But not for the GUI Editor: the screen can not be 'docked' to the left or to the right side of the screen.
Why not?
Please correct.
Stretch and Filtration options are still not opened by default
In the past, several installers asked to open the panel "Stretch and Filtration" by default when an item is selected.
We noticed, this is still not implemented.
Please fix this, so it's more comfortable for our installers.
Multiple feedbacks for one object
Rather often it is needed to display multiple feedback for one object to make GUI simplier in development.
For example for room air: 18*C/50% - <temp>/<humidity>
It would be great to use something like this in code $V*C<someSeparator>/$V%
Project Tokens GUI Editor - dragging to graphical item
Drag a project token onto an graphic item. you can only configure a relation between the graphical item and the project token.
It would be better if the user was asked first if they want to use this project token as feedback for the graphic item OR do you want to send something to this graphical item, like text or a number or another token.
Fonts Used in a project.
It would be useful to know which fonts are used on which popup \ page in a single report.
Given the logic of the GUI editor when a graphical uses a particular font it will added into the project. When there are no graphical items using a that font then it will be removed from the project. Therefore if you try to change the font for an entire project and you miss one graphical item state, you can spend hours trying to find that one state that still refers to a font you don't want anymore.
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