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Connection betweehn HDL bus dmx 48 and IRidium

oggi katic 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен 9 лет назад 4

Is it possible to control dmx48 as stand alone solution with iridium (tcp)or do you need a controller where you connect dmx 48 ..

Dmitry - support (expert) 9 лет назад

yes, you do not need any additional controller, just Ethernet connect to DMX48 and control same as HDL dimmer, but 48 channels

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обратная связь контроллера DMX48

Vladimir Volodin 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Dmitry - support (expert) 9 лет назад 1

если взять логический контроллер то можно запросить значение свича и получить обратную связь одного свича

а вот по DMX так не получается
все время приходят все каналы
Status OnStart
Single Channel Read Target
Channel Number выставляю 1, но приходят все каналы, а не канал №1

Как это исправить? нужно для уменьшения количества обработки данных и уменьшения нагрузки на шину

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HDL z-audio problem

Miryusif Aqalarov 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Dmitry - support (expert) 9 лет назад 4

HI friends..

I have a problem with HDL buspro..

I have 45 HDL buspro and 4 z-audio devices in system. I control by ipad this 45 HDL devices without problem.when I connect any z-audio or another Ipad there was delay in control.

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Hello friends, I have a problem with module programming, networking HDL-BUS Pro (RS232), I can not display devices

Adrian Ortega 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Dmitry - support (expert) 9 лет назад 1

not how I see the devices as if I have as link module (HDL-BUS Pro Networking RS232)


HDL Watchdog

Ekaterina (head of support) 10 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен AlexDr 8 лет назад 7
This simple script make you able to see if the communication with HDL bus stopped.
In case of UDP broadcast connections it is not possible to see the online status of HDL IP module, so you have to look at the traffic from HDL, and if it is stopped for awhile you can show "Offline message".
See the example attached.
You can choose a time without traffic indicates the offline. It is 10 sec by default.

!HDL Online indicator.irpz

How to setup the group climate for each rooms?

Punith 10 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 10 лет назад 5
How to setup the group climate for each rooms?

Kindly see the attachments which is marked in the yellow and please tel me the ways

Image 8240

Image 8241


Remote access for I2control app

Punith 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен iRidiumNikita 9 лет назад 7
I was configured a iridium application for the remote access, before I2control was working fine through remote ly the ip address was appeared in the gate while open the application from other network ,, NOw it works only local, i dont know what i did wrong ,then here follow the application, It does not able to work through remotely
I have done port forwarded in the router and i am sure this was worked that i seen a different IP adress in the iridium gate when i was access through my mobile
Now i dont know why it does not work

Change Subnet ID by script

Joseanio Galdino 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 9 лет назад 1
Hi All,
Is there a way to change the subnet ID of a HDL device included in a project, by java script ??
Something like :
IR.GetDevice("Relay").SetParameters({Subnet ID: "101", Device ID: "22"})

DLP - Panel control - control button

Roy Solberg 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 9 лет назад 1

The answer at http://support.iridiummobile.net/topic/678827-control-hdl-panel-via-iridium/#comment-1229790 describes how the "panel control" command can be sent with the sub command "control button". Is there any way to controll the buttons outside the 4 pages as described?

I would like to control the buttons on e.g. the floor heating page. Is that at all possible?


how to read status emitter with iridium mobile?

feri setiawan 10 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 10 лет назад 4
I am using HDL Emitter with Current Sensor and i want...I want to take on the status of IR emitters to determine the current status. what in mobile iridium can display the current status?

please Help me

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