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Page Event
Is there a method to know when a page changes?
Once I get an event, I can use var currnetPage = IR.CurrentPage.Name to get the name.
I guess I could just put this into a timer.
Seems that a PAGE_EVENT and POPUP_EVENT is needed.
Custom TCP Driver - Timeout
In case equipement is off it takes too long for the connection to timeout.
Popup page sending states
for one project I would like to change the state of a button when a popup is shown
is it possible to integrate this and so,
what are the type and feedback relations I have to use?
Thanks in advance…
.Value ???
How do I get or set the value of a button?
I know there is a property "Text", there is "Value"? Not found anywhere and did not work in my tests.
Example text:
IR.GetItem ("PageName"). GetItem ("ItemName"). Text = "Text Item";
Example Value:
"IR.GetItem ("PageName"). GetItem ("ItemName"). Value = item";
Error with binding image url to UI item\s state "Image" property
For example:
IR.GetPage("Page 1").GetItem("Test").GetState(1).Image = "http://some.site/second.jpg";
IR.GetPage("Page 1").GetItem("Test").GetState(0).Image = "http://some.site/first.jpg";
than both states (0 and 1) will be with "first.jpg" image.
If that one will try:
IR.GetPage("Page 1").GetItem("Test").GetState(0).Image = "http://some.site/first.jpg";
IR.GetPage("Page 1").GetItem("Test").GetState(1).Image = "http://some.site/second.jpg";
than both states (0 and 1) will be with "second.jpg" image.
We researched your task, and it's not a bug. In current conception working of Dynamic Image, we didn't plan this functional.
Dynamic Images work with only one state of item now.
exceptions not getting generated when the should be...
Take a look at the following project. Run it….
The script refers to two popups from which only one exists in the project.
When the scripts runs, I would expect " var full = parent.GetItem(path[1]);" would generate an exception given that path[1] doesn't contain anything when used against the beginpage variable. Instead the full variable is assigned null.
The IR.GetPopup should generate an exception for the nextpage variable. Given that we assigning an popup that doesn't exist in the project.
Изменение параметра Time Up и Time Down
Подскажите, возможно ли изменять из скрипта параметры Time Up и Time Down для анимированного элемента?
Если нет, то было бы не плохо.
try catch doesn't always work
I have a script that parses an object. Not every record contains the same fields.
Only through breaking some other code in another script did the try catch statement trigger and the error was shown.
This is an simplified example of what I was trying.
myobject = [{ test : [data:"123",data:"1234"], test2:"abcd"}, { test : [data:"13",data:"134"], test2:"abc"},
{ test2:"abcd"}];
try {
IR.Log("y is "+y)
}catch(error){IR.Log("there was an error "+error)
I think that when you try this as a stand alone script its fine, yet when this example is used in an more complex project that contains multiple drivers then the try catch become less reliable. My project contains KNX, SIP, SONOS, XBMC, Global cache, denon; plus more.
how could I use the SIP REGISTER command? I couldnt find any instruction.
Thank you
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