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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
Use Bits out of Holding Register Beckhoff Modbus TCP
i'm searching how i can communicate with mij ipad with iridium mobile and my beckhoff cx8090 controller for a building automation project.
i'm searching for a simple way to control bits that i wanna use to control some lights etc...
but i don't wanna control the hardware outputs immediately , i first wanna control this request in the program with other conditions before i set the hardware outputs.
but i can't find how i set virtual variables from iridium to beckhoff.
from what i found now i think this has to me written in the holding registers 3000 and 4000 of modbus
so i made a variable in beckhoff as you can see in image below:
and then i made in iridium next variable in the modes tcp driver:
this works fine an the value in beckhoff of holding out[3] and holding out[4] changing when i change in iridium.
but this isn't what i exactly want because i wanna sen bit command separately
for example :
button light 1 => set bit 1 in beckhoff
sound simple but i can't find how to do this,
i hope someone can help me with this or has example how to test this
thanks a lot
Denon control thru iTach Serial
- Multiple Ports: Enabled
- Baud Rate: 9600
- Flow Control: None
- Stop Bits: 1
- Parity: None
- Data Bits: 8
Change the port to 4999
Test it with the emulator or an control panel. This should work, in my environment this worked.
This driver is not officially supported by iRidium Mobile
Доброго дня! Подскажите, мне пожалуйста, я хочу сделать первый проект на иридиум для My home. Задача управлять дом кинотеатром и зонами мультирум на Nuvo, Это возможно? Как?
Мне необходимо в моем проекте управлять с помощью вашего По иридиум системой My home, Управлять функциями - свет, климат 4 зоны, кондиционер через ИК и еще дом кинотеатром, мультирумм Nuvo,
sending mail from iridium?
Page resize from script
is it possible to change the page (or project) size from Script?
Thank you
I am working with a driver written in AV&Custom systems, not a core driver.
I can see how I can get the command as described in the wiki:
[11-02-2016 17:25:19.359] INFO Name: NameCommand = id:5 name:AC Fan UP COOL data:
But can how can I then use this information to send the command to the driver from JavaScript?
Let's assume I cannot access the driver script.
Possible solutions:
1. Send the driver's command from javascript - eg I want to send a command to the driver from JavaScript so I can using
all the programming that has already been done in the driver before it
sends the command, eg bounds checking - is this possible? how?
2. Is there any way to set a driver command to an item's press event from JavaScript, like I can access the state information.
3. anything else you can think of?
Saving Scenes
I am trying to implement a project with scenes that are controlled and saved by push buttons and via Iridium. It seems that on some actuators the scenes are saved via the same GA from which they are called, however I cannot find the value/command to send to the actuator in order for it to save the scene.
I do not want to Iridium to control the scene (i.e. send the values to each lamp individually) as doing it this way will add redundancy to the system, if Iridium is down.
If anyone can point me to this information, or just tell me directly, that would be great.
Image size
When I have an javascript with:
[font=courier]IR.GetItem("Page 1").GetItem("Button").GetState(0).Image = "pict.jpg";
It ads an image to the button.
When I ad:
IR.GetItem("Page 1").GetItem("Button").Width = 500;
IR.GetItem("Page 1").GetItem("Button").Height = 100;
It changes the button size, but not the image size.
How can I change the image size in the javascript?
Jan Hein
If we add İridium base in Global cache which license? (Pro shold?)
IR.SetTimeout executes too quickly.
Create a new project
Add the following script
function hello(){
IR.Log("hello again")
IR.SetTimeout(600, hello)
Run the project, I would expect the function hello to execute anytime after 600 milliseconds. This is not the case. It always executes before.
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